vendredi 28 décembre 2012

When Herald Angels Sing by Caridad Piñeiro in the anthology "A Vampire for Christmas"

Hello to all,

         As you have discovered during this month, i'm reading holiday romances. Today, like the past Friday, i'm concentrating on paranormal holiday romance including vampire. To be honest i didn't know they were so many of them so there will be a lot left for next year ^^ but since we are still in december 2012 i will offer you my opinion on two of them.

The first one "When Heral Angels Sing" written by Caridad Piñeiro is a novella part of the anthology "A vampire for Christmas"

Happy Reading!

Publisher: Harlequin
Publication: 2011
ISBN:  0373776446
Genre: paranormal erotic romance, holiday romance
Violence: strong
Language: normal
sex: strong
Public: 18+
Source: won

Short description of the anthology  from goodreads :

 All they want for Christmas is you…

It's the time of year for twinkling lights on trees and kisses under the mistletoe. Yet the passing of another year means nothing to the stunning immortals who lurk in the shadows of the new-fallen snow.

And they don't care if you've been naughty or nice.

Let four fanged lovers open your eyes to a passion you never dared to imagine. After all, there's no place like home for the holidays—and these dazzling vampires can't wait for an invitation.

My opinion:
          Carida Piñeiro offers us her own version of the “Christmas’ ghost” mixed with vampires in her novella “When Herald Angels Sing”. Here it’s Damien, young man who had a difficult life during which he was transformed, who is confronted to his past actions to help him to chose his future. More than his future, Damien receives an opportunity to save his soul. His good heart despite the suffering he has endured caught the attention of the archangel Raphael, said archangel would like Damien with  the good guys but as rules state he can’t do anything about it, free will and such means that Damien must save his own soul however to guide him Raphael has assigned a guardian angel to Damien.

The guardian angel in question is no other than Angelina, young angel this is her first mission. While visiting the past to learn about her charge and better understand him she broke one capital rule: she fell in love. She came to him twice in the past always around Christmas Eve, twice he has an opportunity but he failed her and she died. This is their last chance and this time truth needs to be told and lessons must be learned.

I liked this small story, a bit Manichean with good and evil fighting for Damien’s soul, but also an enjoyable romance between Damien and Angelina. I loved how he was waiting for her, promising to save her but not guessing what she was at any moment. It was also interesting to see how their love story progressed between each of their meetings.  Not a memorable, fantastic story but a good one to enjoy at this time of the year when we want a little twist on the more traditional tales.

Good short story, good addition to this anthology. And I enjoys her writing‘s style so I would be happy to discover more of Carida Piñeiro’s world and to give a try to her books

Score:  3/5

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own and no compensation was received in exchange for this review


This book enter in the Romance and Me Challenge
Book read for the 2012 TBR reading

To join in, copy and paste these rules and the above banner into your Fanged Mania post and add your link to this week’s Fanged Mania post at Elisabeth Wheatley’s Blog. Fanged Mania is a Friday meme counting down to the release of Fanged Princess and displaying all things vampire and awesome. Fanged Mania posts can be a review of a vampire book, a quote from the latest Vampire Diaries episode, a showcase of a cool vampire book’s cover, or whatever you like so long as it is vampire related. Don’t forget, participants will be entered in the drawing to win a fanged-abulous prize pack!

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