If you read my blog for a few month, you know that one of my objective this year was to discover the subgenre "sport romance"... i made some good discoveries so far and i also read some books that really don't sit well with me. In my quest to find new author ( to me) and series, i've encountered a blog tour for a new release " Down by Contact", i follow it, read the excerpt and i thought it was a book i could like and after the last one i read and really didn't enjoy it was a great change.
I tried to win the contests during the blog tour, without luck so i took my courage and contacted the author. The blog tour showed me a really kind and open woman and my own contact confirmed those feeling... Jami Davenport kindly accepted that i review her book on my humble blog. Let me just said i'm really glad i did dare to ask because i was far from expecting such a excellent book.
So let me give you my opinion on "Down by Contact", third book in the series "Seattle Lumberjacks", don't worry i haven't read book 1 and 2 yet but i didn't miss anything , this book works perfectly as a stand alone.( But i will read the precedent books and later share what i thought about them with you but first thing first, here comes Zach's story!)
Happy Reading!
Publisher: Boroughs Publishing
Publication: 2013
Genre: sport romance
Violence: little
Language: mild
sex: strong
Public: 18+
Source: A ecopy in exchange for an honest reviewViolence: little
Language: mild
sex: strong
Public: 18+
Short description from goodreads :
It's showtime.
After twelve years in the league, all Zach Murphy wants is a Super Bowl ring. He’s been about hard hits not smooth manners, about breaking quarterbacks not making small talk at cocktail parties. But now he’s shattered something else. After dumping a tray of drinks on the team owner’s snooty daughter and accidentally feeling up the Governor’s wife, his tenure with his team looks perilously short. And things are getting worse.
Life is looking up for Kelsie Carrington-Richmond. A onetime beauty pageant star and mean girl, she only recently stopped living out of her car. But those times have passed. Her finishing school for real men has a real shot, and theSeattle Lumberjacks have hired her to polish their roughest
Except…it’s Zach. Long ago she broke his heart. He’s just the beast she remembers—gruff, protective—but she’s nothing like the beauty from his past. Yet, getting knocked down happens, and getting back up makes a contender. And they both have the hearts of champions.
It's showtime.
After twelve years in the league, all Zach Murphy wants is a Super Bowl ring. He’s been about hard hits not smooth manners, about breaking quarterbacks not making small talk at cocktail parties. But now he’s shattered something else. After dumping a tray of drinks on the team owner’s snooty daughter and accidentally feeling up the Governor’s wife, his tenure with his team looks perilously short. And things are getting worse.
Life is looking up for Kelsie Carrington-Richmond. A onetime beauty pageant star and mean girl, she only recently stopped living out of her car. But those times have passed. Her finishing school for real men has a real shot, and the
Except…it’s Zach. Long ago she broke his heart. He’s just the beast she remembers—gruff, protective—but she’s nothing like the beauty from his past. Yet, getting knocked down happens, and getting back up makes a contender. And they both have the hearts of champions.
My opinion:
From the excerpt I thought I was going to like it but in fact I love
this story and I even greatly love it. It’s simply one of the best sport
romance I’ve read so far, it’s really well written, the characters are well
built and you will love some as much as you will hate others but each of them
has the perfect background to makes the readers understand them. Also you have
a large part dedicated to the sport, but it’s well written in a way that even
if you know nothing about it, you are not bothered at all; in fact it even made
me want to learn a little more.
And the romance: simply wonderful, sweet
and cute but also growing with the relationship between the main protagonists,
Zach and Kelsie, at the same rhythm as their trust. It’s just superb. To be
honest I had some doubt about Kelsie at first, until we learn more about her
and I can really appreciate her effort now. Knowing which kind of family she
had, I can see why see wanted acceptance at all costs, sad she wanted
acceptance from the number not from the quality but she was a child then so my
heart went to her, even more when we learn that her parents sides with her ex
after all they have done. Rachel and Lavender are her first true friends
because being able to navigate society and being popular doesn’t mean you
aren’t lonely far from it. Kelsie is stronger that she seems and just needed
proper guidance.
Zach is just the opposite, you have to
love him right at the start… he is a little like a big bear imposing on the
outside but soft and fragile inside. The way he gets to do the wrong things at
the wrong time just make him even cuter, I couldn’t resist. He is trying to do
his best but if he manages on the field, in society that’s the opposite. He
prefers to be alone, to do things that matters so in a sense he is all against
appearances when he is also judging others on them. After a new disaster at a
gala, he must take etiquette lessons…just the idea made me laugh. The big men
who must learn how to hold their cup… while I can see the necessity of
politeness, asking so much from athletes was a little ludicrous, for me, as
long as there wasn’t disaster, it didn’t matter which fork they would use to
eat etc. But it is also part of the scheme orchestrated by Veronika who just
wanted him to fail not to shine, and that a character I detested strongly since
the beginning, after Kelsie’s mother that we never see but heard enough about,
and Mark that really should have suffered more.
Zach is all about honesty and compassion,
he has suffered so much but he didn’t become selfish, simply afraid to let
people discover that fragile side of him. The way he wants to wait until after
the marriage before making love was simply adorable in a really good sense of
the word. It was about love before sex, to have some meaningful and it
something I respect and admire. He really worked his way in my heart.
was so engrossed in the story that I didn’t want to put the book down I had to
finish it right now. It’s the third book in the series yes but I haven’t read
the others yet, but I hope to do so really soon, however that didn’t bothered
me at all. It works perfectly as a stand alone even if now I want to understand
Tyler more, he looks like a excellent man too. So if you want to read a sport
romance with a wonderful story try this one you won’t be disappointed at all.
Score: 5/5
Disclaimer/Source: a copy in exchange
for an honest review.All opinions are my own and
no compensation was received in exchange for this review
For more info on Jami Davenport and her books you can check her Website HERE
Down by Contact is available on amazon or on smashwords ( as well as other format and retailer listed on her website)

Thanks, so much for the taking the time to review Down by Contact. I'm glad you enjoyed Zach and Kelsie's journey.
RépondreSupprimerit was really a pleasure
SupprimerOh it sounds excellent! I love heroes like that that are huge and a little intimidating on the outside but softies inside.
RépondreSupprimerI'll have to check this series out! Great review Miki!
i think you will love this one really ^^ i will tell you more about the rest of the series as soon as i get there
Supprimerthanks for commenting