Hello to all,

RAK is as much about giving than receiving and for that part i'm quite used to it .... however i want to make my gift special, meaningful for the receiver, it's something important for me. i'm not saying that offering a book is nothing not at all , taking the time to see which book we have in common on our list, or which one would make the other the happier is also great and i'm delighted when i receive a book, smiling all day at all.
Now it's not easy for me to buy online so i decided to share the love by creating little things to give...contrary to some beliefs it's not cheaper than ordering a book quite the opposite often but i love the personnal link it can create between teh person, how sometimes it help the other to feel better because she or he receive something special done just for her/him. Sometimes the receiver act a little like she/ghe don't care and i admit i'm sometimes hurt but we can't please everyone. However there are those special someone who shows they really appreciate the gesture, how are really enthousiastic when receiving the email and it's for that i continue. I can't thank Vonnie enough for her kindness in return , for remembering my birthday while she already gifted me something, Christine who became a real friend since our first contact like Nikki and Maija but also all the others who were grateful and happy..
This month was really a special one because months ago i contacted Katrina, i wanted to do something special for her birthday and i followed her blog before to find what i could do. So i contacted her and she was really receptive, i couldn't use the exact color she wanted but we chatted to find what best suited her and since she is a creator too and also a perfectionist one she understood what i wanted to do and the work that was necessary....she was really happy when her gift arrived and decided she wanted to return the favor with one of her own creation. She was busy with the fashion week so it wasn't something immediat but i felt honored she thought about doing something for me....even it took time the simple fact she was ready to spend time working on something special for me was magical.
This month she had a little time to spare and she kept her promise... she made me a purse/bag...but even better she took into account my personnality and what i needed she created something unique for me and i'm enchanted with the result...when it arrived i couldn't believe my eyes even if she posted pictures of it on her blog first.. it's really the perfect oen for me and i will treasure it.
That's what RAK is for me the enthousiasm when we are contacted, the shining eyes we get when a package arrive and the hapiness to discover that someone took time to make something for us ( or look at our list top order us a book) and i wanted to Thanks all of you who make this possible
In April I received:
I received a RAK offer from Maija from Books, DIY's and Randomness, she kindly send me inside out and outside in the insiders serie by Maria V Snyder and there are signed!! It's so great , thank you so, so much Maija!!
And like i told you i receive my very special bag done by a more than promising designer Katrina from Kindred Dreamheart
Picture by Katrina you can see more here
thank you a lot to both of you, it means more to me than i can tell you.
and in April, i've sent :
( note: i don't take picture of the Rak i create before sending them so it's only if the receiver made one i can use that i will add it here so this post will perhaps be edited later to add some)
I wanted to make more this month but i got an injury and i couldn't move my right hand which made crafting impossible for a moment...the result i only managed to finish two gift and i sent them later that what i would have wanted. i do hope they will make their new orwner happy though and for those i didn't do in April, it will be finish in May no worries.
So i did send:
A handmade personnalised seahorse keychain to CJ from Sarcasm &Lemons i do hope you will enjoy this late birthday RAK
A handmade bookmark to Kathrin from The Secret Dreamworld of a Bookaholic . (i do hope you like the result and i'm sorry it will arrive after your birthday, hope the postal servixce strike finish soon so you can enjoy it ^^
So Did you participate in RAK this month? Any good RAK experience to share?
Thank you once again to Isalys and Vanessa from Booksoulmates for hosting! and to all participant to make this experience magical
The panda bear bookmark that you personally made me with my favorite colors for a RAK is my favorite bookmark that I have! You could totally do an Etsy shop with them. I can't believe someone would act unappreciative when they receive a homemade bookmark or keychain from you. Ugh!
RépondreSupprimeri'm really glad you like it ^^, at the moment i don't want to make money of them it just to give pleasure and i'm really happy when i managed it.
SupprimerThank you Sarah
Glas you had a great RAK month. ANd yes, I LOVE what you got from Katrina, she is so talented isn't she.
RépondreSupprimerAnd 2 signed books? Wow! Inside Out and Outside In! How cool! I have seen those books around before. Hope you'll like them.
Have a great May RAK although it might not be as great as your April RAK!
I love the bag, I'm going to check out Katrina's blog after I post this :)
RépondreSupprimerI'm glad you liked the books, I hope you'll enjoy them as much as I did! ;)
I didn't receive anything in April, but Sandra from When Books Attack is sending me a book for May RAK ^^
Hope you have a great May RAK!