Official Blurb
(Please make sure you’re linking back to the Bout of Books website and attributing properly.)
The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 13th and runs through Sunday, May 19th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 7.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. -From the Bout of Books team
I will update this post daily to keep my progress up to date so don't hesitate to come back here each date to see how i'm doing ^^. Part of this adventure is the support we can offer to each other, so count on me to try to visit you.
My Goals
- Read 2 books ( not sure which one yet)
Comment on at least one parpicipant post each dayEnter at least one challengeDo my weekly post for Storm ForcePrepare one official reviewPost at least one review- Be up to date in my reviews ( see i finished the review for the books i've read already)
- Work on one RAK minimum
Try to contact one new author for a book in one of the 2013 challenge i've entered
Books to Read
- one book by gini koch
- One paranormal romance
- One sport romance
- one book by Marianne Morea
- a book in French
Time Devoted to Reading
I will be reading all week as soon as i get the opportunity to do so between all i have to do in real life and when i'm good enough to. Also since i'm finishing some handmade gift my reading time will be limited a bit but i will try to do my best.
Number of pages I've read today: 246
Total number of books I've read: 0
Books: Started: Cat & Bones ( read novella 1 &2), Alien Diplomacy by Gini Koch
Today wasn't a bad day even if i had less time to read that what i hoped. I first had to help my mother and that reduced my motivation a lot... i selected a bunch of books i really want to read and then... i didn't feel like starting any of those...at the end i picked a book in French " Cat & Bones" by Jeaniene Frost because it's an anthology regrouping 3 novella from the night huntress series, i had read the first one in english so reading the translation was quick and i loved the second novella a lot. I got the idea to pick an anthology from another participant and it's great because when i don't have a lot of time or i need to change my mind i can read one.
So after this slow start, my brother received the news he got a job ( a temporary one but still) so we had to help him getting ready so again less time and i just read the first page of Alien Diplomacy by gini Kock( i so wanted to continue when started but i need my beauty sleep^^;;)
For the others goals... i didn't do the daily challenge but i commented on 7 other participant's post and i did contact the author who kindly accepted. She was working on that time so she couldn't sent me the copy immediately which is completely normal but in case she send it soon enough i will perhaps be able to add the book in this read a thon already^^. The essential is that she answered me quicker that what i hoped and positively so i'm really really happy ( Thank you!!)
Number of pages I've read today: 0
total pages read:246
Total number of books I've read:
Books: Finished: 0
Started: Started: Cat & Bones ( read novella 1 &2), Alien Diplomacy by Gini Koch
At the moment i really feel like a failure...so many things happened that i didn't manage to put my hands on the books so i haven't read any pages today and i hate that especially when i've started a book that greatly interest me.
Oki if i try to stay positive, i did post a official review and i commented on 3 other participants' blog.. not a lot but since my goal was oen per day it's oki. i also tried the challenge "musical playground" but i don't know if i did right because i just matched one song "je te donne " by JJ Goldman with Mercy thompson series by patricia briggs i couldn't think of a whole playlist when this songh was just perfect for me.
i can only hope the rest of the week will get better because i need motivation. ( now for other reasons but last bout of books, tuesday was also a bad day so it's perhaps a sign.)
Number of pages I've read today:104
total pages : 348
Total number of books I've read:
Books: finished: 0
started:Cat & Bones ( read novella 1 &2), Alien Diplomacy by Gini Koch
It wasn't really difficult to do better than yesterday but i hoped to read more than 100 pages however my blood pressure became really bad so book was confiscated and i was forced to lie down.... after 12h of sleep in a row it's still completely unstable but at least i'm in the "orange" level instead of the red one so better but still bad.
i did comment on 2 other participants' post and i posted my weekly post about the serial Storm Force by Susannah Sandlin.
And a good news, i did receive the sport romance book so i hope to get better soon enough to start on this one but health must come first.
Number of pages I've read today: 0
Total number of books I've read:0
I simply couldn't do anything today.. i think i have commented on one participant but even that i'm not sure ( still i did more before so it's oki).. Still 3 days left so if the doctor finds the miracle solution i should manage
The mini challenge for today was really great and i regeret not having been able to stay up long enough to try it.
Number of pages I've read today:0
Total number of books I've read:0
i really hoped to be better but in fact it was worse and even during the 3h wait for my appointment with the doctor i couldn't manage to read a line...my miracle solution didn't come in fact it's more serious that what i though and now i have several exams to pass in hope to discover where the problem lies either it can be nothing either it can be really serious.. way to rassure the patient -_- so after a scanner, a echo, blood anaylysis and others things i should have a better idea of what it's happening. i do hope my kidney is well...the exams need to be scheduled soon so perhaps the first result will be available next week we will see. until then i guess my reading will stay as low but i'm not giving up yet so wewill see what i can do.
the challenge really interested me but i got no time, i did comment like i hoped though.
Number of Pages I've read today:80
Total number of books I've read:0
started: /
oki at least i did read a little... 80pages can seem bad especially for me ( i mean normally i should have finished this book in a couple of hours at most) but being in teh condition i'm , i'm quite proud to have managed to read even so little.
I also comment like i wanted so this day isn't a complete failure
Number of books I've read today:0
Number of pages read today: 160
Total number of books I've read:
Today as been a better day that what i hoped so i finish well even if it's far from my normal level. i've read 160 pages ( meaning i read 3/4 of both books i started) , i commented on 3 other participants' posts and i posted a review.
I haven't worked on the RAK more than half an hour so i don't consider this goal a succes s( but i prefer to make it when i'm well so teh result is better)
i think i'm up to date with ly review but honestly i'm not 100% because i can't reember well at the moment .
When i take into account the shape i'm in i consider this read-a-thon a good one even if it's the worse i did so far... in a way it's even a success because it made me keep reading when i wanted to give up after the rush of bad news.
i hope i will be better for the next edition in august ^^ i have a revenge to take.
Are you participating? Leave me a link to your goals we could support each other
Great goals :) I love Gini Koch's books, they're so much fun :) Happy reading & have fun!
RépondreSupprimeri love her books too^^ so far all her series i've tried are in my favorite.
SupprimerWow, you have some great goals. I like how you kept your reading options wide open :). Here’s my Bout of Books goals & updates post! ~ Jen @ A Book and a Latte
RépondreSupprimer^^ it's the advbantage of low pressure read-a-thon^^ we can find the best solution for us
SupprimerI think I should have kept my goals open too, I read lots on the first day but the last two days definitely haven't been as good for me!
RépondreSupprimeri did the same mistakes last time, i overdid the first day and then no energy or motivation the next day^^ forget teh read a thon, read for pleasure and you will manage,
Supprimerthanks you for commenting
i love your honesty and your goals. Lol. I totally missed this readathon, but I'm ok with that. Too busy... I've been playing books in my car and running extra errands to make any progress at all!! YIKES!
RépondreSupprimeri do see any use in lying to ourselves... after what i learned today i really doubt i will manage but i still will try after all i need to stay zen until my medical results arrive no need to overstress and if i don't manage i guess there is a first for everything ( and if i must fail this read a thon to keep my kidney in top condition i DO prefer my kidney)