jeudi 14 janvier 2016

Chimes At Midnight ( october Daye 7) by Seanan McGuire

hello to all,

                      It's well time that i post my review for this week but depites my best effort so far  i'm not really managing my time easily . It's one of my resolutions for 2016 so too early to give up as well^^

Still today, in the deep of the night, i'm sharing with you my opinion of an instalment in one of my favourites series since i've decided to read a little more in the sequels part of my TBR pile.

Happy reading!
Publisher: Daw
Publication: 2013
ISBN:  0756408148
Genre: urban fantasy,fae
Violence: strong

Language: normal
sex: none
Public: 18+
Source: bought

Short description from goodreads :

 Things are starting to look up for October "Toby" Daye. She's training her squire, doing her job, and has finally allowed herself to grow closer to the local King of Cats. It seems like her life may finally be settling least until dead changelings start appearing in the alleys of San Francisco, killed by an overdose of goblin fruit.

Toby's efforts to take the problem to the Queen of the Mists are met with harsh reprisals, leaving her under sentence of exile from her home and everyone she loves. Now Toby must find a way to reverse the Queens decree, get the goblin fruit off the streets--and, oh, yes, save her own life, since more than a few of her problems have once again followed her home. And then there's the question of the Queen herself, who seems increasingly unlikely to have a valid claim to the throne....

To find the answers, October and her friends will have to travel from the legendary Library of Stars into the hidden depths of the Kingdom of the Mists--and they'll have to do it fast, because time is running out. In faerie, some fates are worse than death.

October Daye is about to find out what they are.

My opinion:
          If you are looking for a urban fantasy series about Fae, this is the one i would recommend without a doubt. Chimes at Midnight is book 7 and  Seanan Mcguire still captes my attention from the first page to the last one  it’s full of action with a big dosis of humour and so, so many fae species.
I love to learn about new ones in each book  - i’m fond of Cu sidhe now ; )  - and how they interact with each others even if i hate most of the nobles politics at the same time...fae can be so cruel

I’m really fond of Toby as she did mature a lot from book 1 ( getting trickier at the same time but with a Cait sidhe at her side that’s quite normal i guess^^). She is so fiercely loyal and wanting things to be fair.....but also getting in the worse situations possible...
Tybalt is here and so protective as well as Danny ( he alone would make you change your mind on trolls forever), we do get to see a lot of the Luiadeg as well which is always a moment a savor.

This time, wanting to protect Changeling, and Faerie in general, from a deadly drug, Toby manages to get exiled by the Queen (such a b*****)....since it would mean also big consequences for her friends she is determined to change the situation even if it means going against the monarch... and at the same time she is discovering how numerous her allies are and how glad she is for them.

 I don’t want to reveal too much as the mysteries slowly revealed are part of what makes these books so captivating but  i can tell you that once again i’m anxious for the next book as well as fearing it . You see Toby tend to do a lot of things that can have consequences in the long run and once again she jumped head first in a binding that could be so, so disastrous that i really want to discover what will be asked  while a little afraid of what will happen... that’s the magic of this author... in each book you get answers ( big one this time^^) and at teh same time more questions nearly driving you insane ^^

So definitively  great instalment and soon  i will read the next book ( or see if a short story doresn’t take place between this book and the next as i don’t want to miss anything)

Score:  4,5/5

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own and no compensation was received in exchange for this review


Did you decide to formulate some resolutions/goals for 2016?Which Ones?

4 commentaires:

  1. I haven't read anything from Seanan McGuire's October Daye series, yet. So far this month I have read six short stories from her InCrypid series. My 2016 challenge is to read something from my TBR stack every day. To date: 3 books and 31 short stories.
    Currently reading Grave Matters by Lauren M. Roy.

    1. There are some short stories that you can check for free on the authors website but it's really a series that needs to be read in order so i can only advice you to double check which one you could read already

  2. Ah contente que tu ais aimé encore une fois, cette série est tellement géniale !!!!

    1. c'est vraiment une perle oui! et je peux pas résister à Tybalt^^
