As i told you before, this year i will try to do some challenge that i did in the past and wasn't that happy with perhaps or simply that i had no more books to qualify for the next edition... so those i've entered in the past but only once or twice and not regulary.
This is the case of the Witches and Witchcraft reading Challenge hosted by Melissa from Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf which i had entered in 2014 and i've giving another try this year.
2016 Witches & Witchcraft Reading Challenge
i'm aiming for level 1 as well: Initiate so it means between 1 and 5 books with a witch as main character.
You can sign up and read all the rules here!
i will update my progress on the 2016 Challenges page but feel free to give me suggestions here, which books would you choose for this challenge?
Have fun! Five doesn't sound too hard, either.