i do hope this first month of 2015 has been better for you that it has been for me. On a side note, the last christmas package reached its recipient finally ( yes more than one month of delay... the postal service can be slower than a slug) so i will be able to share with you some pictures like i was asked to but before we come to that let's see this week review.
I told you that, this January,i was starting on "new" to me books and or author and series that i do follow up this month so this time it's a new author and new series with Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas. I was gifted this for my birthday but told the series had cliffhanger so i prefered to wait until i got all the released books so far... it's not the case yet but the temptation was too great especially when i discovered this was the chosen reads for the TBR read along ^^ so without more delay here is my opinion of " Throne of Glass"
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Publication: 2012
ISBN: 0373277210
Genre: YA, Fantasy, romance
Violence: mild
Language: normal
sex: none
Public: 16+
Violence: mild
Language: normal
sex: none
Public: 16+
Source: gifted ( thanks Vonnie!)
Short description from goodreads :
After serving out a year of hard labor in the salt mines of Endovier for her crimes, 18-year-old assassin Celaena Sardothien is dragged before the Crown Prince. Prince Dorian offers her her freedom on one condition: she must act as his champion in a competition to find a new royal assassin. Her opponents are men-thieves and assassins and warriors from across the empire, each sponsored by a member of the king's council. If she beats her opponents in a series of eliminations, she'll serve the kingdom for three years and then be granted her freedom.
Celaena finds her training sessions with the captain of the guard, Westfall, challenging and exhilarating. But she's bored stiff by court life. Things get a little more interesting when the prince starts to show interest in her... but it's the gruff Captain Westfall who seems to understand her best.
Then one of the other contestants turns up dead... quickly followed by another.
Can Celaena figure out who the killer is before she becomes a victim? As the young assassin investigates, her search leads her to discover a greater destiny than she could possibly have imagined.
My opinion:
I’m really happy to have decided to finally start this series because
this story is as good as I hoped it would be. There is action, mystery,
suspense and some romance and you get quite attached to the characters it was a
really great surprise.
Celaena is really a strong minded
character to survives what she did and to stay such a kind soul… she is afraid
of betrayal but she is not hesitating to save people even if it could not be in
her interest. She had a hard past of which we still don’t know a lot but she is
a good girl and I would love to discover what the gift she thinks she lost was.
And she loves books! I don’t resist character who loves reading.
The only thing bothering me is to see how she
is mixing love with attraction….. I’m not fan of love triangle at all so that’s
bother me a lot and I hope she will understand quickly as not to get hurt too
Doran and Chaol… I’m definitively more
for Chaol at this point because he is loyal, honourable, he is trusting and he does not hesitate to do
what he thinks right…. He did gave up his title for example and for a good
reason. I like his friendship with Dorian but I fear the Prince does not
know how much Chaol is doing for him…. Because
honestly I think if Chaol became captain
of the guard it’s to protect Dorian not because he believes in the king… Dorian
is not bad… I think he is quite lost as
he can’t really oppose his father yet even when he hate his actions but at the
same time he was too frivolous for me. He does love dogs which makes him more
likeable but still….he sound too often like he is playing with others…. For
example he knows what Chaol feels but it does not prevent him for wanting
Celaena. Also I don’t think he could take a lot of risk to what he wants…. He
isn’t determined enough at this time… he could become a good ruler but he needs
to mature
Nehemia is in a sense quite like Chaol,
like him she is ready to sacrifice a lot for what she believes in and she is
taking risks but I do love her friendship with Celaena and I hope it won’t finish badly for them
Now and Pelor were perhaps competitors
but part of me wonders why they accepted such a contest as they sound really
good… I can only hope we will see more of them and that they will become
trusted and loyal allies of Celaena…; I
feel she will really need all the help she can get.
The intrigue was deeper that what I
expected but still a little predictable. It’s a universe more complex that we
can imagine at first and Sarah J Maas did a great job in giving us glimpse of
more little by little to get us addicted and wanting to discover a lot
more. I hope we will learn more about
Elena and our heroine relationship.
The King is even more evil that what we could
think at first ( oki with him killing thousands and destroying books he was on
my hate list already but he is really more dangerous than that)…and he is not
the only player with add to the dangerosity….he made a contract quite difficult
for Celaena and I fears what is too come.
It’s a great YA fantasy filled with action,
some sweet moment and romance… friendship and betrayal… a really interesting
universe so I do recommend it if you like those things I will be sure to follow
up the series.
Score: 4/5
Score: 4/5
Disclaimer: All opinions are my own and
no compensation was received in exchange for this review

Do you tend to read book when they get released or you prefer to have all the series on hands first?
Hi Miki. I prefer to start with the first book of a series and have all on hand. Even if it is a stand alone in that world. With favorite authors I automatic pre-order as soon as I can. With some I will re-read the last book in the series before the new one is released. Must re-read Elysian Fields in February, to get ready for Pirate's Alley.
RépondreSupprimeranother thing we have in common ^^ but sometimes it take sme ages to get the next book so patience is a must but favourite author do get top priority as soon as possible^^
SupprimerI haven't read this book though my first thought was that it sounds an awful lot like "Poison Study" by Maria Snyder which I really loved. Admittedly the idea that this could be a "rip off" makes me a bit skeptical about reading it, but seeing how I gifted that book to you some time back you will have to compare for me and let me know how similar they really are.
RépondreSupprimerAs to your question - I usually just start out with the first book no matter when the sequels will be published. You see, twice it happened that I hoarded a whole series and then I hated the first book, so ... doesn't make sense to end up giving them all away. On the other hand, sometimes I finish a book and go into panic-mode when I realize that I have to wait for months for the next one in the series. I guess I'd rather impatiently wait than spend money I might regret. ;-)
except teh fact it's both about assassin i did not really compare them yet...now i will move poison study in my tbr pile to be sure to tell you if it differ or which world i prefer
Supprimer^^ we are quite similar once again... i tend to try the first book before deciding if i follow a series or not but if i really love it then i tend to stop until i have the rest... i don't like spending money for nothing at all especially when there are so many books books waiting for me^^ ... teh exception is when i'm told about a cliffhanger then i could take teh first 2 and i wioll read only when i have one in advance ( i like book 1 but i will read book 2 when i get book 3 etc^^;;)
there is only one series i decided to stop because teh author makes killing cliffhanger and then makes us wait 5 years or more.... the new one will be released but i decided it was on the black list.....>_< i find her not respectful of her readers so my money don't go to her anymore