It's not usual that i share with you my opinion on a book on a Sunday... but this time is a little special.... you see i did want to read this book as soon as i learned of it's existence for once because i have the other series ( the Demimonde series) from the author on my wishlist for ages and it sounded good and original ( too tempting to resist).
Sadly being sick with really strong headache i had to postpone reading a little.... BUT you see the book is actually in promotion... for less than 1 dollars if you are in the USA ( and for europe but if you use all romance)...
i really wanted to share that info with you but it's better if the book tempt you also for the content not only the price so today i'm telling you what i thought of " Words that bind" by Ash Kratfon
Happy Reading
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Publication: 2014
ISBN: 9781628305609
Genre: paranormal romance, djinn
Violence: mild
Language: normal
sex: mild+
Public: 18+
Violence: mild
Language: normal
sex: mild+
Public: 18+
Source: won
Short description from goodreads :
Social worker Tam Kerish can’t keep her cool professionalism when steamy client Mr. Burns kindles a desire for more than a client-therapist relationship—so she drops him. However, they discover she’s the talisman to which Burns, an immortal djinn, has been bound since the days of King Solomon…and that makes it difficult.
Ethical guidelines are unequivocal when it comes to personal relationships with clients. However, the djinn has a thawing effect on the usually non-emotive Tam, who begins to feel true emotion whenever he is near. Tam has to make a difficult choice: to stay on the outside, forever looking in…or to turn her back on her entire world, just for the chance to finally experience what it means to fall in love.
My opinion:
Last year I’ve been learning of the existence of a few book including
djinns and I got to read some but not that many ( 2 only) so when I learned of
this one with a Djinn as main character I really wanted to read it especially
since I do hope strongly to read the other series of this author on my wishlist
for too long.
I’m really not disappointed. This story
is well written I smiled, I laughed I even cried at some moments as it was a
whirlwind of emotions and I was captivated by the originality of the concept.
But let’s see more in details. First the female main character: Tam…she is
psychologist, working with emotions is for a her a way to study them…she can
understand her patients on a calm logical level because herself can’t feel the
emotions. She is that way since her childhood so she learned to act like she has them but deep down she is
not feeling and it’s something she regret. When I discovered her problem it
made me think about Shaw from the “Persons of Interest” show.. she has the same
problem but because of something that happened to her later so in comparison
she knows emotions she just lost the way to connect to them. In a sense it
helped me to imagine Tam’s life more easily…and I really could connect with
Tam is a kind person, apparently cold
because of her “problem” she is still attentive and she is loyal… trust is
really important to her. She also has the powers to see things other can’t.
We do learn about Tam situation right at
the beginning which I think was a intelligent manoeuvre to help us to
understand the impact Burns has on her better and quicker.
Burns is a Djinn…more precisely it’s a
fire elemental, he was bound to Salomon’s ring and now longs to be free by
reclaiming his talisman. His quest lasted millennia but he finally found Tam
and he is sure she has his talisman so he decides to contact her since she is
bound by confidentiality. He never
expected to find a human woman able to resist him and able to surprise
him. The fact Tam is so logical even
with dealing with him despites everything he shows her has him entranced .But
Burn is its element like fire he can be unpredictable calm one moment in frenzy
the next…he has tantrums^^ and anger easily….that made me smile as much as want
to strangle him sometimes.
While trying to make Tam give up his
Talisman; Burns help her discover magic and a totally new world….he also opens
to him like never in the past and as strange as it is for Tam…he makes her
feel… before him the only time she experienced briefly emotion was in her
dreams, with him it’s surprise after surprise and they slowly fall for each
The quest for the Talisman has some
really good twists and i was happily surprised. It’s not complicated but we are
lead on false tracks or we learn news elements that makes us doubt our first
opinion so I really liked how it was done to keep us captivated by the story as
well as the romance.
Now I loved it but there are still
little details that make me not to give a 5…. Perhaps it’s due to the fact I’ve
read this while I was just recovering and perhaps my heads was not at his place
all the time but for example I’m curious about to who the “other” door was, or
why Burns say Lily can see him…. Did they meet? Did Lily met his enemies
first?...perhaps it was said I missed it but… who took the decision to make the
special ceremony? Was it something planned by Solomon to those he entrusted or
something done against what he would have wished? Honestly
it’s because I’m really into detail that I have those questions and I
will reread the book happily to see if I missed something but it’s why I give
only a 4,5 and believe me if you forget those you will be immersed in the
series and not think about it at all
do recommend “Words that Binds” if you want a good paranormal romance with a
good dose of originality , romance, some humour and emotions you keep you on
edge until the last page.
Score: 4,5/5
Disclaimer: All opinions are my own and
no compensation was received in exchange for this review
Challenges :

If you want more info on the author or her books you can visit her Website
and if Words that Bind tempt you as it did to me the ebook is on a very small price until the 23 January so hurry at grab it when you can you have nothing to loose^^ here is some place you can find it but you have more on her blog.
All Romance:
Barnes & Noble:
Je ne connais pas du tout celui ci mais j'adore les histoires sur les djinns ! J'avais lu le spin off de Rachel Caine sur ça et j'avais adoré (sans avoir lu la série principale), Amanda Bonilla était géniale aussi sur les djinns.
RépondreSupprimerRachel Caine je ne vois pas quel spin off mais je vais chercher, j'aime bien la série par Amanda Bonilla mais le djinn n'était pas le perso principal or ici c'est le cas... et j'ai vraiment apprécié quand il précise la nature de son pouvoir car c'est plus proche de la version originale que dans la série d'amanda
SupprimerI read the first book in Krafton's Demimonde series, and it was pretty good. I have the second installment kicking around somewhere too I think. Good to know that her Djinn are equally as awesome as her vampires! Ooh, and I received your package today BTW. Merci!!!
RépondreSupprimerdid you also got the prequel novella when it was free? it's the only part of thedemimonde series i have and since you tell me it's good i just want it even more!*patience...patience...*