For those who doesn't know it yet, goodreads has changed his rules regarding reviews but also shelves while in itself i don't think it's a bad thing ( a little control and some rules are not bad in itself) i regret how it has been done because you could have some of your work deleted without prior notice. And what worries me even more is that we don't know who takes the decision you can't defend yourself and it simply going too far. If you want to learn more you can check it here
I'm not for bashing or bullying anyone, i want to be respectful when i write my revews because for me it's important but i also want to be honest and yes that include sometimes speaking about the author. It's not an attack against said author as a person but some behaviours could make me want to avoid reading his or her books so i think it's normal to share it with readers and now it's forbidden....i don't think it's fair to any parties. Even more being honest means sharing the positive and the negative so what if i've been impressed by how kind and polite an author was? I can't share it because it's not only about the book? i disagree while it doesn't impact how the book was written it could help some to choose beteween two authors and yes if one was kind i would love to see that rewarded.
I was hesitant to speak about this at first but when i saw which book i wanted to review today and how i came to review it i thought it was important. So yes there are good authors and i don't mind telling it ( as i would said if one was rude or worse)
Hunted started for me with the meeting of
a kind and attentive author, when I saw this book featured on a friend’s blog I
was more than interested…I fired questions to Ellie Ferguson, the author, and I
enjoyed it even from what I learned but the book was only available in epub or
mobi format…so inaccessible for me…when she saw that Ellie promised to look at
a possibility to offer pdf format too and when we were all so happy she offered
us a copy yes simply like that she offered to all of us that were commenting at
the time a copy of her book instead of only one copy to a winner who had to be
drawn like it was scheduled at first…and she sends me “hunted” too
It really
means a lot to me and I ‘m grateful for this generosity so I wanted to review
the book too not only to read it even if it meant being honest in case I got
disappointed but it’s far from it as you will see^^ so Thank you a lot Ellie to
remind us that they are great authors around who listen to us humble readers.
Publisher: Naked Reader Press
Publication: 2013
Genre: paranormal romance
Violence: strong
Language: normal
sex: strong
Public: 18+
Source: received from the author nothing
expected in returnViolence: strong
Language: normal
sex: strong
Public: 18+
When Meg Finley’s parents died, the authorities classified it as a double suicide. Alone, hurting and suddenly the object of the clan’s alpha's desire, her life was a nightmare. He didn’t care that she was grieving any more than he cared that she was only fifteen. So she’d run and she’d been running ever since. But now, years later, her luck’s run out. The alpha’s trackers have found her and they’re under orders to bring her back, no matter what.
Without warning, Meg finds herself in a game of cat and mouse with the trackers in a downtown
My opinion:
Not only Ellie Ferguson is a really generous author attentive to her
readers but this book is really promising as the beginning of a series. When I
saw the summary of “Hunted” I wanted to read it so when Ellie went all the way
to make this possible, getting me the format I needed I was over the moon. It was kind and generous and without strings
attached….but I couldn’t keep my thoughts to me since I loved this book! I had
to share.
I was really surprised how fast I was drawn
into the book…. It’s not a long one but the story felt complete after the last
page and if it was written on the cover that’s the first book of a series you
could have skipped that because you do get a real closure ( but if the next
story is about Sharon and Danny then I can’t wait^^). Also it’s not an
exceptional one but there are original elements in it and I found the writing
style neat, the romance is there yes but this book has a lot of suspense and
twists to keep you immersed in the story trying to guess what will happen,
often being wrong, and be surprised at the “how” it happens even if you have
guessed the “what.”
It’s a more than enjoyable paranormal
story full of shifters for those who love them like I do. Some of the original
elements: first they are the tattoos... each shifter must have one that
identify his pride (family or pack) and his clan but the individual can add the element he
want for example to show his lineage or his personality. If you move from a pride
then you must change or alter the tattoo to show it. I found that surprising at first since for me
shifters had other ways to tell which clan they belong to, I thought like
scents but in fact it makes perfect sense in the universe Ellie Ferguson created.
For her, shifters are born not made and it’s not because your parents are
shifters that the children are automatically shifters too… some can; some other
are simply human and some with only one parent able to shift have the same
ability… kind of a lottery in a sense….that being said the tattoo does make
sense, it’s a way to include even those who can’t shift but are still part of
the pride or clan (children, mates etc).
The other interesting detail is that,
the shifter has in fact at minimum 3 appearances…: fully human with eventually
the “beast” instinct/intuition, half way meaning he/she has the better
reflexes, senses and is stronger but look human for no shifters and fully
animal form but still with an human mind….. now yes you have see I did add “minimum”…why
because the stronger shifters, the stronger between the alpha ones can
eventually shift in different animals not only one like typical shifter…and I
enjoy this concept.
When Matt rescued Meg, alias Finn, he
acted because she was a female in danger on his territory…he didn’t think to do
it to gain something…even less a mate but his animal, beast does react strongly
to Meg. When he learns the truth about the trespassers and about her he swears
to protect her even before she offer to become his mate. He is loyal, protective and a good alpha.
Meg/Finn has run all her life since her
parents’ death…she is tired of it but still terrified by the reason of her
escape: Michael…when Matt saves her in extremist…she is confronted to other
shifters which she had nearly forgotten…but her jaguar didn’t and Matt is
definitively the male she wants . Afraid, wanting protection but understanding
that she can’t ask and give nothing in return, Finn ask to be part of Matt’s
clan and offer herself as his mate.
Now let me get things straight… it’s not
“insta” love… it’s “insta” attraction and that’s so different… they are
attracted to each other, they lust for each other but they agree they must also
learn about each other and they want to become partner not just lovers…that’s a
thing I appreciate a lot. Finn has some trust issues she must overcome and Matt
is really patient with her…both have a good idea of what they want their union
to be and they know they will need time to build it…oki that part is a little
rushed…we don’t see the all construction, simply the base but we know it will
be there. The action and the process to uncover the past events take the
majority of the story.
What made me smile…and a lot it’s the
connection I did with another paranormal romance thriller I’ve read and
introduced to you “ Storm Force”…it seems to me that if you are a shifter name
Michael then you are probably a complete shizo, obsessive, ready to do anything
to get what you want ( especially underaged woman) and that you held a grudge
far, far longer than normal^^ . Here Michael when he took the place of Alpha
after the death of Meg’s parents, tried to mate her going even against the
law…and then she tried to catch her for 15years! And still claim she is his
mate…..-insane and obsessive, no?- In Storm Force: Michael, shifter alpha, wants
Mori ..not love her wants her and he did what he had to get her when she was
only a baby ( oki he did accept to wait) when she refuse he become crazy and
put the cops on her trail to make come back “home”…if you read both story it
will really make you hate shifter withat name when you see the similitude in
their personality^^ it was strange and funny because they are different and at
the same time so alike^^
I really spend a good time with this
book and even if it was only because of Ellie ‘s personality you should give
this book a try! I really hope to read book 2 as soon as it’s released but
first ^^ let gives Ellie time to write it. If you love shifter, suspense,
investigation, action and romance try this book!
Score: 4/5
Disclaimer: All opinions are my own and
no compensation was received in exchange for this review

Awesome review Miki. I really liked Ellie too.
RépondreSupprimerI hadn't heard about the Goodreads thing and it is sad that the wrong people will profit from these new rules and the nice people will probably suffer. You should be able to speak your mind as long as you are not swearing or being obnoxious. Since when is speaking the truth a bad thing?
SupprimerThat's part of the problem, if you aren't part of the feedback group ( or if you haven't been given the link) you don't know about it. Goodreads decided that published it friday afternoon and some reviews and shelves were already deleted.
Supprimerwe are afraid soon they won't even accept bad review ( 1/2stars)because as soon as an author flag your review ( for the review itself or even a comment posted under it) all is deleted
I hadn't heard about this Goodreads thing. It's Amazon. People have been waiting to see what happens since they took over. It may not ever affect me since I never do a rude review, but that's not the point. It may be time to start another site.
RépondreSupprimerIt sad that a lot haven't heard about that ( by the way they told us the authors rules were also changed so you could need to check it too) and a lot suspect amazon being behind this because it could make it loose sells.
Supprimeri haven't done and don't plan to do rude review either but it goes above that... if you speak about the author ( and it's not a bigraphy)then you are considered as faulty and most probably deleted ( oki so far when it's something posityive then let it but that's not fair)
worse even if you didn't write any review but organized your shelf it could be deleted they said it's only offending shelf ex "bad authors" but in fact they went far beyiond that since they even deleted "due to author" shelf which could have been positive. so if you created a shelf to remember authors or books you don't want to read ( because the topic hurt your feeling, because you have been attacked or simply because you don't like)it could be deleted without notice . some changed the name to realy somehing different but still some complained their books was on that shelf and thus deleted.
they have been speaking about alternative but sadly most are also owned at least partialy by amazon. They is also one that ask who would support a new kind of website for readers like goodreads was at first. it's on the tread i posted around the page 20^^;; ( sorry i don't remember exactly
oh c'est sympa, j'espere alors que la suite sera tout aussi bien! Je pense que je garderais un oeil dessus pour voir si ça vaut bien le coup !
RépondreSupprimerje te tiendrai au courant^^
SupprimerI will check on the author rules at some stage, but I recall that there has always been a rule that you're not allowed to respond to rude reviews of your books, no matter how awful, that you can be thrown off Goodreads even for friending people who have given you a wonderful review! I have lost a lot of respect for Goodreads, to be honest, but it's the only game in town right now.
RépondreSupprimerLOL Yep totally get what you ment when you said that I had to read Storm Force before I could read this. :)