A new month has started and it started on a really positive note for me....i was asking to review a book i wanted to ( Thank you Carly!!) and i LOVED it!, i finished it in matter of hours so i had time for another one that i enjoyed as much, i also put some order on my shelves but on that side i'm only at the beginning ^^.
So i'm really happy and i didn't want to make you wait so today i'm sharing with you my opinion on "Finding My Faith" book 2 in the six saviors series by Carly Fall. If you rememeber i shared my opinion on the first book "The Light Within Me " earlier this year for the monthly topic " alien" in paranormal romance. I enjoyed it and wanted more and i got my wish granted....believe me i don't regret at all!! I've become addicted to this series.
Now let see what i thought of it in more details:
Publisher: Carly Fall
Publication: 2012
ISBN: 0373277210
Genre: paranormal romance, alien
Violence: mild
Language: normal
sex: steamy
Public: 18+
Source: ecopy received in exchange for an honest
reviewViolence: mild
Language: normal
sex: steamy
Public: 18+
Growing up in a small
Rayner has a special ability, one that weighs on him like a curse. He can see spirits trapped in between life and their final resting place. Because he can’t do much to help them, he studiously ignores them. He concentrates, instead, on working with his fellow warriors to right the wrongs caused by the evil criminals from his home planet.
When Rayner sees Faith in her spirit form while investigating a lead in
As the attraction grows stronger, Rayner finds himself breaking all sorts of self-set rules, as well as the code of ethics set by him and his fellow warriors. When Faith nears death, Rayner realizes that he must do everything in his power to save her, because if he doesn’t, he may just lose himself.
My opinion:
LOVE it! It was finished in almost 2hours so that said how strongly I
was immersed in the story and enjoying it… after reading book one “the light
within me” I did have a soft spot for Rayner and learning more about was simply
too good.
Rayner was quite a bitter character with
only his job in mind… from all the warriors he is the one who wish to return to
SR 44 the most and he does works for it even if he means flying somewhere else
on mission (and he hate flying) In fact, he is one that suffer the most in my
opinion, his power sound like a curse for him: being able to see and speak to
spirits trapped but not being able to help them has taken his toll on him. In
fact he only succeeded once and thus he tried to ignore them. It’s really the
opposite as how he was before.. as a child he was carefree, living in the
forest, respecting the nature and spirits
with his loving family. Rayner wanted some adventures so he left his
forest for the city where he met Cohen and Hudson, fellow warriors, and decided
to enrol in the military to see the world.
However he did promise his mother to
come back and that what is keeping him strong and determined… he wants to go
back and get once again the warm feeling to belong.
I could only smile at how similar it was
to Faith growing up…she too lived in the nature with a loving family but took
pleasure in exploring, taking risks and in the end by leaving for the city
where her life took a drastic turn. The difference between them….Faith hasn’t
lost herself yet, she still dreams, hopes and laughs while Rayner forgot it.
Both understand the spiritual world and respect it despites some doubts
sometimes, like Faith who doesn’t believe how special she is and the prophecy
she is supposed to accomplish.
They are simply perfect for each other
and I enjoyed how they had to discover it and then had to make it works, faith
really needed her inner strength to makes Rayner understand and see what was
under his eyes. I also loved her parents how insightful they were, how open
while still protective. They are some really steamy scenes yes but deeper
feelings and emotions are predominant in this one.
While the action and romance are there,
some humour too, in my opinion it was
also more profound, the author make me think and feel things in the character’s perspectives and I was
completely hooked and they grew on me. It also means that I was even more angry
at the villain.
The author closes the story on a happy
note, the characters have their happy end, but this being a series we know it
can be temporary, but the investigations isn’t complete, yes faith is saved but
the culprit, even simply his motives are not sure for our heroes…and that the
only reason this book don’t get the maximum score….i don’t like when the bad
ones go off easily, the more evil they are the more I want them to suffer.. I
think I’ve become really addicted to this series at this point and next book
will not be in my hands soon enough.
If you want an excellent paranormal
romance with a some deepen meanings fitting in the main storyline, a book that
can work as a stand alone , but you wouldn’t want to miss book 1, then try Finding my Faith and the Six saviors series…
it’s a must read!
Score: 4,5/5
Disclaimer: Source: a copy in exchange for an honest review .All
opinions are my own and no compensation was received in exchange for this
If you want this book you can buy it on Smashwords in the digital format you prefer or on amazon
and book 1 is still free here for those who are just discovering this series. Enjoy!
You can find more informations on the series and Carly on her Website

eh ben? En 2h! C'est sur qu'il doit etre bien! LOL quand je me dis que moi hier j'essayais de me forcer à finir le livre que je lisais.
RépondreSupprimerplus j'aime plus je lis vite ^^ mais rassure toi j'ai aussi connu des livres pour lesquels j'au du m'accrocher et même me forcer et alors ça peut prendre des jours! ( et comme je ne sais pas lire un livre sans avoir fini le précédent...) En fait ça a été le cas durant le bout of books... j'ai eu du mal avec jess haines tome 2 et du coup j'ai eu un moment sans lecture le temps d'oser espérer reprendre plaisir^^
SupprimerOk I cant wait to read this series! I have to get book 1 still. Going on the list! :)
RépondreSupprimerthey exist in print which is great but only on amazon ( book 1 was on TBD too but not the rest) the series is ongoing so don't worry , i will review book 3 too ;)
Supprimernow i think you must take book 1 when it's still free even if you read it later, get the print edition later it will be a good way to be sure you love the series^^
I did grab the freebie for now. :) Im hoping to get print eventually but I can read it first. I just get to print books alot faster than my ebooks unless its something that I have to review.
Supprimerthat's the same for me don't worry my ebook pile doesn't move down or nearly while the print one change all the time^^ but this one is worth the effort^^