Now August is finished and the summer has only 3more weeks to grant us some sun and warmth...(not the case today here but hope is still there^^), while september is quite catching my interest with the topic for the paranormal challenge ( September is dragons!!) before i start on those i need to make a little wrap up for August.
So let starts!
August saw the 8th edition of the Bout of books read a thon and i'm glad i participated because it did boost my motivation. So i got some reading done, some drafts for review, some reviews posted ^^ . At the end i was a bit bothered by an infection to eye that made difficult reading or looking at a screen but i had done enough as not to worry.
Books received:
For review:
ecopy of A Kiss of Blood by Kallysten you can see my review Here
ecopy of Finding my Faith ( book 2 of the six saviors series) by Carly Fall
ecopy of Midnight Conquest by Arial Burnz which was reviewed here
ecopy of Midnight Captive ( book2) by Arial Burnz ( book 3 was free )
ecopy of Whitelighter, Encounter at Shalana, The Beast's Redemption, Horse Charmer and of the Unicorn Keep by angie Derek/Angelia Almos
*Storm Warrior by Dani Harper: audiobook on Under the Cover book blog ( my first audiobook!! i'm so stressed to see if i will manage to understand^^)
* an amazon gift card at Smutketter for the Burn with me release tour. Thanks RG!!
None. ( guess i'm making an unvoluntary book ban^^)
Secret RendezVous, ebook by Sharon C . Cooper you can see my review here It was a free book though but since i had some trouble to get it the author sent me a copy directly
Rachel did offer me something too but it's not arrived yet so it will be for a later wrap up but i still wanted to say THANK YOU!!
I forgot something or someone , sorry!
Reviews done and posted on the blog
In English:
A good month, i've managed to do what i hoped without forgetting the challenges i've entered but could have been better because i forgot to post some review that were ready^^;;
- A Kiss of Blood (the Pacts 1.5) by Kallysten
- Secret RendezVous ( Reunited 1.5) by Sharon C. Cooper
- An Artificial Night (October Daye 3) by Seanan McGuire
- Donor ( Dresdan Coven book1) by Ambrielle Kirk
- Line of Scrimmage by Marie Force
- Midnight Conquest ( Bonded by Blood Vampires Chronicles 1) by Arial Burnz
En français:
Parce que je ne peux et ne veux pas oublier mes lecteurs francophones
Only four months left so where i'm in my goals for the divers challenge i've entered so far:
For the sport Romance challenge i've entered 9/12 books so since i got several other books that qualify for this one i've moved to level 2

For the TBR reading Pile 2013 challenge i've entered 40 books already so level 4: 40books, i'm thinking about moving up to the next level but i hesitate
I've read 7/10books so i will try to finish this one even if it had been suspended ( perhaps cancelled)
i aimed for 3 books and entered 5 so success

In this challenge we must read a book with a specific kind of creatures which change each month and until now it's a success, topic for tjhis month was siren/selkie/mermen, interesting topic but i wasn't that inpired either ( perhaps because i counted on a book that never showed up) i osted 5 wityh only two with the right cretaure ... i feel stupid because i had one more but it slipped my mind
Now, officially the event didn't took place, either Booksoulmates were on holiday or prefered to suspend it while waiting for the new version to come to light, anyway i didn't want to stop so i did a little
None received
Send: one to Amber ( one made beforehand yes but so perfect for her^^) and i have one in preparation ( i'm not forgetting you Ruth i just had to take a break for my eyes but i will finish it^^)
I hope you like the audiobook, I usually listen to them in winter when I do some crafts or DIYs. Thay way I can "read" a book when my hands are full :)
RépondreSupprimerYou've had quite a busy month! I haven't written as much reviews, I mostly concentrated on reading as much as I could before school started.
Oh, and the challenges! Nice work! I'm kind of participating in the TBR Reading Challenge, though I have no idea what my progress is.
for the challenge as soon as i post a review i put it on my recapitlatif list so i can keep track of it or i would be lost.
Supprimeri'm afraid my understanding level in englsih isn't in par to my reading skill so perhaps i will wait to have the book to compare ( especially since there is some welsh in it)
the bout of books helped me to reach this level^^ i was quite lazy without it
je n'ai pas non plus encore testé d'audiobook, mais je suis assez curieuse de voir ce que ça donne. bonne lecture!
RépondreSupprimerYou've gotten alot done this month! I love my Dragon! I think I should name him. :) What I dont know yet. :)