samedi 10 novembre 2012

Daimon ( Covenant 0.5) By Jennifer L. Armentrout

Hello to all,

                  Today i will share with you a short review (really short) about Daimon, the prequel to the Covenant series by Jennifer L Armentrout. I will try to read and review the other books of the series but i'm not making any promise. This month will mostly be about erotic romance ( at first in French but i will soon start reading some in english too) and i was accepted in an additionnal cursus so i have a lot more works and less free time but i will do my best, just don't expect 20 reviews this month ( October was really special^^)

So to start with the beginning here come Daimon ( if you don't have the print book you can have a free ebook on the editor's website)

Publisher: Spencer Hill Press
Publication: 2011
ISBN: 0983157251
Genre: YA, paranormal romance
Violence: strong

Langage: normal
sex: none
Public: 16+
Source: Rak received from Dizneeee, also available from free from Spencer Hill

Short description from goodreads :

For three years, Alexandria has lived among mortals—pretending to be like them and trying to forget the duty she'd been trained to fulfill as a child of a mortal and a demigod. At seventeen, she's pretty much accepted that she's a freak by mortal standards... and that she'll never be prepared for that duty.

According to her mother, that’s a good thing.

But as every descendant of the gods knows, Fate has a way of rearing her ugly head. A horrifying attack forces Alex to flee Miami and try to find her way back to the very place her mother had warned her she should never return—the Covenant. Every step that brings her closer to safety is one more step toward death… because she's being hunted by the very creatures she'd once trained to kill.

The daimons have found her.

My opinion:

          This prologue to the Covenant series is interesting but having read it first I got the impression I was missing information to really understand the story. Of course this novella is done to complete the story and to introduce us to it but I would have loved more, because when you are reading it with having read half-blood before Alex seems quite stupid for example. I mean, she is on the run with her mother but she doesn’t question it, she even misses the place her mother saved her from and even worse as soon as she is “free” she tries to go back there. Likes if all her mother had done was for nothing….and from what she is telling us of this place it’s also difficult to understand why she would want to go back.

Now the writing style is really good and it left you wanting more there is a lot of action and you are intrigued to learn more. You are immediately immersed in the action while following Alex and you get the need to understand her, she is showing some strengths while trying to survive and its’ promising.   I enjoy Jennifer L. Armentrout’s writing style even if it’s not my favourite series of her I appreciated to discover this new universe and I will be reading more about it without a doubt.

Score:  3,5/5

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own and no compensation was received in exchange for this review

This book enter in the Romance and Me Challenge
Book read for the 2012 TBR reading

3 commentaires:

  1. It doesn't sound amazing but good overall. Great review

  2. I'm glad you read it! I found it awesome to read Daimon and then read Half-Blood RIGHT after. Reading them like that helped so much.

    I can understand why reading Daimon alone is strange. It didn't do a great job of explaining what was going on, really. Alex was just running from something that killed her mom. She didn't know what to look for or who to turn to. Nada!

    I hope you enjoy the rest of the series! It's amaaaaaazing! (Did you get the rest of it? I forget which books you have)

    1. i'm only missing deity ( i got a pre order of elixir) and i will try to read what i can this month i'm impatient to know more^^
      thank you once again by the way
