Today i've decided it was time to share with you my opinion of the future new release in one of my favourite series "The Sentinels of New Orleans". Normally you know i post both an english version and a french one of my review and it will be done but the french one will have to wait a little since i really wanted to post this today.
Why the hurry? Simply for 2 reasons... oki 3. One: i absolutely love this series and i have been waiting for Elysian Fields for too long already....but more importantly this will give me the opportunity to share some infos with you that you would love to know if you didn't already... first for a few more hours you can get the digital version of Royal Street ( book 1) for less than 3dollars! so if you prefer digital book don't hesitate and hurry time is slipping fast.
Then if you have read Royal Street and River Road, if you love our dear privateer Jean Lafitte, you must know he has his own novella "Jackson Square" this one will be sold later this year but you have te opportunity to read it already, for FREE, on Suzanne's official website so don't hesitate, it's really a fun reads.
Publisher: Tor Books
Publication: 2013
ISBN: 0765333198
Genre: urban fantasy
Violence: strong
Language: normal
sex: mild
Public: 18+
Source: arc receive in exchange for an honest
reviewViolence: strong
Language: normal
sex: mild
Public: 18+
An undead serial killer comes for DJ in this thrilling third installment of Suzanne Johnson’s Sentinels of
The mer feud has been settled, but life in
New Orleanians are under attack from a copycat killer mimicking the crimes of a 1918 serial murderer known as the Axeman of
Combatting an undead serial killer as troubles pile up around her isn’t easy. Jake Warin’s loup-garou nature is spiraling downward, enigmatic neighbor Quince Randolph is acting weirder than ever, the Elders are insisting on lessons in elven magic from the world’s most annoying wizard, and former partner Alex Warin just turned up on DJ’s to-do list. Not to mention big maneuvers are afoot in the halls of preternatural power.
Suddenly, moving to the Beyond as Jean Lafitte’s pirate wench could be DJ’s best option.
My opinion:
Elysian Fields has been on my list of books to get as soon as i learned
its title and I was more than happy to receive an Arc to review but strange things are…actually
writing said review has been more difficult that I expected…now I did love the
book don’t misunderstand me but it’s quite different from the precedents and
thus finding my words to make it justice took time.
To start with one important detail, the
author wrote Elysian Fields so he could work as a stand alone… objectively
that’s true, Suzanne makes enough references to past events so you are not lost
if you are just discovering this series… now that being said I think thing you
should read “Royal Street” and “River Road” first. Why? Because they are really
great books to start with but also because it gives you a thorough
understanding of the characters. Yes the author makes allusions about the events
and their impacts yes you understand the story but when you have read the two
precedents books you understand the story AND the characters, you have lived
the events with them and thus our judgement can be different that what it would
be if you start by “Elysian Fields”.
For example in DJ case, she finally
makes a decision regarding her heart we get the why, the when and the how, we
get also positioning in the timeline, we learn for how long they know each
others but by having read book 1 and 2 and took I really feel how a big step
she is making, what she is risking and thus how she has matured. I’m not sure I
would have arrived at the same conclusion if I hadn’t.
Also and that’s capital if the book is
excellent, Suzanne having managed to improve once again, it marks a turning
point in the series. The atmosphere is darker, the humour is still there
however the investigation is predominant and the romance is now really building
without all the hesitations than before: we know the main couple, we have a wild
card to ( grr Rand *GRRRRR*) , but it’s a slow building and it will take more books…. In a
sense Elysian fields definitively positions The Sentinels of New Orleans in the
urban fantasy genre while the precedent books were more a mix of urban fantasy
and paranormal romance, now the action, main storyline are highlighted while
the romance is more secondary, an element in the whole plot.
This story focuses on a murder serial,
really gruesome murders and DJ once again find herself to be a target and having
to survive while attempting to overcome other problems. She knows she can count
on some allies like the merman Rene and the privateer Jean Lafitte both more
than happy to help, in exchange of some favour of course. However hers partners
Alex and Jake are quite busy or in turmoil…add to that the human: cops Ken
Hachette who finally learned of the preternatural existences but has no
experience dealing with them and her best friend Eugenie who ignore all and
whose boyfriend is behaving suspiciously threatening the only female friendship
DJ has…. Since he first appeared Randolph
aka Rand has switched on all my alarms and I must confess I dislike him even
more now!! Nevertheless I must admit I’m still don’t know what to think about
him.. on a part I don’t forgive his actions… on the other side I suspect him
and I don’t trust him even if I appreciate his help… I can‘t discern his
motivations, all his grey about him and it‘s frustrating as well as
greatly enjoyed the story and for the first time in this universe we really
meet some vampires, not that friendly, looking quite organised, and the elves…
divided in several factions they are far from beautiful, fragile and kind
creature… ( forget Legolas or Galadriel) no they are conniving, power hungry,
vicious and DANGEROUS…we already had a glimpse of if with Mace in River Road
but now we see that he wasn’t the exception to the rule quite the opposite.
It’s hard to love them and in a sense I understand why Charlie has chosen DJ
has his Master…she is so different and since he kind of has its own mind he
would prefer kindness….( or self preservation^^). I was instructing to see the
exchange between the different factions, between elves, but even more between
wizards, vampires and elves…
The plot is really well done and I had
doubts on the culprits until the end, which was even more surprising. I’m happy
to said the ending is giving us some closure even if it still has some track
open when you turn the last page you are happy not feeling like you are missing
something even if you do want more. There is a reason for this ending…until a
few weeks ago it was unknown if the publisher was going to want more books so
Suzanne made it so it was possible but the readers wasn’t completely left
hanging. Fortunately, we learned that at least book 4 and 5 were going to see
the light and that’s wonderful news for the fans!!
If you love urban fantasy, not too dark,
with romance touch and Humour, you love having a mix of creature from vampires,
shifters to mermen and historical undeads, a excellent intrigue then Elysian
fields is right your alley but like I already wrote I would still recommend you
to read book 1 and 2 before (lighter, funnier but setting the universe
swimmingly. (but you can’t wait it can be as stand alone yes)
Score: 4,5/5
Disclaimer: Source: a copy in exchange for a honest review, no other compensation was received.
Elysian Fields will be released on the 13th August 2013
If you want this book you can buy it on amazon or on Bookdepository -US edition- ( Uk edition )
You can find more informations on the series and Suzanne on her Blog

RépondreSupprimerGood job!!! You know I'm a big fan, enjoyed your early review very much. I have also read it. Again, good job.
Thanks, Roger
thank you a lot for your support Roger ( and good luck in the blog tour^^)
SupprimerI really can't wait to have it, I love the series. I just need to be at home... soon soon!
RépondreSupprimer^^ yes i was really glad to receive an e-arc for this one^^. i'm sure you will lobve it but you will be surprised^^
SupprimerI agree, this is a great read. Loved your review. Such a perfect urban fantasy.
RépondreSupprimerThe elves seem to have all the qualities of humans, only magnified. Waiting for the next novel is going to be really hard.
RépondreSupprimerat least we got the shorts stories and flash fictions to wait ^^
SupprimerI love this series too, because the stories just get more and more complicated, don't they? And you're right, the "who done it" and "why they done it" was very complicated. But Rand, ptui! Spit, hack, ick.
RépondreSupprimerMarlene @ Reading Reality
^^ Rand must be the first character to get a hate club instead of the usual fan club^^