In June I received:
No Rak this month or at least none that i know of... i did receive a surprise book but not sure it's linked to RAK ( still thanks to whoever send me Embers from Laura Bickle)
and in June, i've sent :
( note: i don't take picture of the Rak i create before sending them so it's only if the receiver made one i can use that i will add it here so this post will perhaps be edited later to add some)
A handmade personnalised bookmark to Reanna from Phantasmic Reads i do hope you will receive it without delay and that you will like it.
Now i also finished the gift for Darlene but because of a strike it wasn't posted in june so it will be for July Darlene but you haven't been forgotten dear!
Do you participate in RAK? Did you have a good month?
Thank you once again to Isalys and Vanessa from Booksoulmates for hosting! and to all participants for making this event a success... i can't wait to see what the new Rak version will be but i'm already happy with this as it is .
Hope exams (school and medical) went okay! I have a copy of the Laura Bickle book. It looks pretty good! Hope you enjoy it :) Those surprise books are always fun to get :)
RépondreSupprimermedical only ( and more are scheduled) the doctor ordered me to take thing low really low no pressure, no stress etc so the exams ( where out of question ( and with the headache i had it would have been impossible anyway)
Supprimeri'm glad to be an attentive and hard working student all the year long in case like that^^
Oh that's definitely a good thing to be a good student. Hope the rest of the tests with the doctor go well and you feel better soon!