jeudi 11 avril 2013

New way to follow: BlogLoving!

Hello to all,

 With the notification that GFC and /or google ereader was going to disappear this summer, i've tried and added bloglovin. To be short it's similar to google ereader and allow you to see the new post published by the blogs you are following ( you can transfers your subription from google ereader really easily)

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

So you can use the button in the sidebar to add my blog to your subcription on bloglovin and stay updated with new posts. It's free and easy

Sorry for the incovenience , i know we are still month before summer but i prefer to be prepared^^;;

until next time^^

2 commentaires:

  1. I'm following ya on bloglovin' :) It's quite handy so far!

    1. thank you a lot , i would have prefered if google didn't change everything but at least we are prepared now
