mercredi 14 novembre 2012

Enticed by His Forgotten Lover by Maya Banks

Hello to all,

       I'm not forgetting my goal of this month: discovering erotic romance subgenre, even if life has become really busy. I'm attending a new course and that means some readings done for works not pleasure. Anyway, i won't give up so today i will introduce you to a still quite soft erotic romance written by the excellent Maya Banks. (Normally they will have other reviews of book from this genre in english this month by different authors but who and when it will be the surprise.)

Happy reading!

Publisher: Harlequin col. Desire
Publication: 2011
ISBN:  0373731205
Genre: contemporary, erotic romance
Violence: mild

Language: normal
sex: strong
Public: 18+
Source: won from Harlie ( harlie’sBooks)

Short description from goodreads :

 ""Have we met?""Answer: a right hook Because Bryony Morgan pulls no punches. Even when she's very pregnant and facing down the father of her unborn child. She fell for wealthy hotelier Rafael de Luca when he courted her for her beachfront real estate. Then he disappeared. Now, she's in New York for answers--and she won't accept a brush-off.

But selective amnesia after a crash has Rafael puzzled. How could he ever forget a combustible beauty like Bryony? Solution: return to the island where they met, and relive the unforgettable nights in question--until he remembers everything…

My opinion:
          I love Maya Banks’ writing style; she manages to captivate me without difficulty. It was my first attempt with this collection and i was a bit afraid it was going to be too hot for me but with this author no problem oh it’s erotic yes but it’s so well written that you can overcome your apprehension easily.

The characters are realists and we can easily imagine them. Rafael is an interesting character…we see two side of him but since he has amnesia we are unsure about who is he in real, which personality is the right one. Maya Banks plays with that fact and the reader has the answer only at the end so we are as confused as Rafael himself.
Bryony is a courageous woman, she is ready to fight and confront the one who wronged her. What she did not expect to find a completely different man who doesn’t remember her. Hurt and afraid she will still agree to help him, the father of her child, to recover his memory and she hopes his feeling for her however the reaction is explosive and she discover a lover more reverent and in the same time more savage. Is the past important when the present is so satisfactory? Between his friends, his success and the woman he loves and mother of his child Rafael must choose but for that he must first choose which kind of man he wants to be.

A short story yes but a really good one,  i enjoyed it a lot and i recommend it to fans of romance.

Score:  4/5

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own and no compensation was received in exchange for this review


This book enter in the Romance and Me Challenge
Book read for the 2012 TBR reading

4 commentaires:

  1. I really loved Maya Banks' Highlander series and am glad she's started on another series (also set in Scotland).

    Glad to hear your first experience of reading erotic romance was positive. ^_^

    Which other authors are you thinking of reading?

    1. i have one book of maya banks highlanders series i could add but if i get the time i would like to try wendy zwaduk and joey hill too i think i have another book or two but i don't remember so i will see how fast i will read them and if i enjoy them or not

      thank you for your comment

  2. Hello! I came here from Colorimetry and I really love your blog. I speak very little French but I am absolutely enchanted by it, so I'm thrilled to find a blog that's bilingual!
    Oh, and great book review :)

    1. Thank you a lot for coming^^, at the moment the majority is in english but some are bilingual so i hope you find enough to satify you ( one day all post will be done in both languages but it takes times^^)
