vendredi 21 décembre 2012

Vampire for Christmas by Felicity Heaton

Hello to all,

 The world isn't ending today it seems (even if the electricy keeps going down) and i prefer that because i still have a lot to share with us so today you will get 2 posts because i'm really really happy now.
Last month i discovered Felicity Heaton with Heart of Darkness , a book i really loved; but she also wrote a novella " Vampire for Christmas" and i couldn't miss to read it this month.

So here is my opinion on "Vampire for Christmas" not to be confused with the anthology " A vampire for Christmas" ;)

Happy reading!

Publisher: felicity heaton
Publication: 2010
Genre: paranormal romance, erotic, holiday romance
Violence: strong

Language: normal
sex: really strong
Public: 18+

Short description from goodreads :

It was one last mission. Shannon, a demon hunter with the agency, is looking forward to leaving behind the small town and the vampire she’s been stuck with for the past two years. Things are getting complicated fast and she wants out. A fresh start, free of her vampire partner, awaits her if she can survive their final mission and the lonely Christmas holidays.

It was one last mission. Rafe, a vampire doing time with the agency, watches it approach with dread weighing heavily in his stomach. Two years of working with Shannon has been difficult, especially since he started falling for her, but he doesn’t want their partnership to end. He has barely a few days to make her face her feelings and stop her from leaving, and he intends to do just that.

When a slimy demon threatens the season of peace and goodwill, it’s the chance Rafe has been waiting for and the moment Shannon secretly fears. Rafe’s determination to prise open her heart and her own resolve to keep it closed clash as violently as they do with the demon, and threatens to end as messily.

Can Rafe make Shannon see that his love for her is real and that she feels something for him too? Can Shannon face her fears and her past, and stop herself from running away from both? Will a wish on a star bring her what her heart truly desires—a vampire for Christmas.

My opinion:
          Felicity Heaton offers us a good erotic paranormal holiday romance.  I didn’t enjoy it as much as Heart of Darkness that I’ve read last month though but it’s still a really pleasant read.
The relation between Shannon and Rafe is interesting; I loved to see how patient he was as well as how disturbed by the idea of their separation he is. The fact that he is studying in hope to protect her better was really cute too. Now we get more information about him a little to late for my taste, we learn that he is obligated to work for the agency and why but the reality is really harder and that we learn only at the end even worse seems like nothing will be done about it either and that disappointed a little. I would have loved if Shannon took the decision to do something about it so he could works for the agency perhaps but really on his free will not because he must too.

Also Shannon‘s behaviour is understandable only when we learn her past and when we know of it let’s said the agency’s decisions can seem really strange. After all they couldn’t be sure of the result but perhaps they even didn’t care. I guess I would have liked to have more information about that but this being a novella I can understand that not everything can be said, just it’s regrettable in my opinion.
The way they tiptoes around each other most of the time is touching but also frustrating until we learn they reason and even then, Rafe’s reaction is moving, perfect…Shannon I don’t know I get the feeling she is a bit jumping the steps, yes she is trusting him since a longer time that the one she admit but it’s different that overcome a real fear in matters of hours.

Felicity’s writing style is still really easy to read and the idea of the story is excellent but perhaps it would have been better in a novel to space and explain more things because I liked it yes, even lot but I wasn’t drawn in the story like with her other books and that disappointed me a little.

To recommend to the lover of erotic paranormal romance, above 18 of course, who want a little story for Christmas.

Score:  3/5

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own and no compensation was received in exchange for this review


This book enter in the Romance and Me Challenge
Book read for the 2012 TBR reading

To join in, copy and paste these rules and the above banner into your Fanged Mania post and add your link to this week’s Fanged Mania post at Elisabeth Wheatley’s Blog. Fanged Mania is a Friday meme counting down to the release of Fanged Princess and displaying all things vampire and awesome. Fanged Mania posts can be a review of a vampire book, a quote from the latest Vampire Diaries episode, a showcase of a cool vampire book’s cover, or whatever you like so long as it is vampire related. Don’t forget, participants will be entered in the drawing to win a fanged-abulous prize pack!

4 commentaires:

  1. The title confusion made me smile. =)

    1. ^^ in fact there are even more with the same titles ^^;; and for those two it only clicked when i was writing the second review^^;;

  2. I like the cover. I might just read it because of the cover ^-^

  3. I enjoyed this one too Miki! But I agree it needed to be a bit longer to have a better grasp and understanding of everything.

    But it was still pretty fun for a short little reading break while running about doing other things :)

    And yay for the world not ending! Way too many books still left to explore ;)
