dimanche 13 septembre 2015

Tackle your TBR read- a Thon sign up, goals and updates

Hello to all!

                      Lately i found myself to be quite in pain ( not too strongly but when it's permanent it can become too much), it's not too serious and i'm starting to take care of it but it did affect my reading especially when i had even less time for me than i do usually.

So i'm behind writing my wrap up post for the summer for example and i'm sorry for that, i will do it later but i will do it and i'm grateful for each book i've got really.  To get back in the reading mood, i've decided to join Tressa read- a-thon challenge which Start tomorrow Monday 14th and last until the 27th.

I'm not planning to set  high goals or anything i want to do this well but with pleasure it's simply to get back on track and not to pick any excuse to avoid stopping and taking some time for me reading or crafting.

If i can read 4 books i would be super happy, and complete the review for those would be even better so i have  some ready for you when the time requires it, but what i hope the most in this read- a thon is being able to read a little each day that's the main goal. Which book(s)? that i absolutely have no idea yet so it will be a surprise for me as well

I will be putting my updates here ( perhaps weekly or more frequently) and in the goodreads group that was done especially for that. If you join us there is still time, the sign up  linky stay open until the end of the read a thon here.

There will be some challenge too so depending on my health and how much i've read ( and if they don't require twitter or facebook) i plan to at least enter one.

 Thanks to Tressa and all the participants for the extra motivation, i'm really forward this challenge.


 week 1
What I read today: 
Number of pages read:
Today's finished books: 
Total number of finished books: 
Titles of finished books:

Do your health affect your reading mood/ tastes as well? Any idea of how to stay motivated later?

 I wish you all a good week, reading side and all^^

12 commentaires:

  1. I hope your feeling a bit better sweetie. I understand the pain. :(
    Good luck with this challenge. I signed up too. I'm hoping it will get me back into reading. I haven't felt like it much and I have books for review that I've signed up for that I have to get done just books that I own in general that I would love to get to.
    Maybe this will help both of us get back into reading.

  2. Hope you find the perfect book for the first day of the challenge. Sometimes when I'm feeling sick I prefer listening to an audio book.

    1. audio book when not in my native language stress me a little but i started with novella and short stories which helped
      thank you for coming and for the advice

  3. Bon chance, Miki. I hope your pain eases enough to enjoy your books.

  4. Ah, pain isn't any fun and it really can affect your reading! Best of luck in accomplishing your goals!

    1. Thank you! so far i'm behind my goals but we still have more than a week so it's not the time to get desesperate^^

  5. I hope you're getting some good reading in! 4 books is a great goal!

    1. not really so i'm starting to think i will fail but i'm not giving up yet!
