mercredi 27 février 2013

L’Amant Consacré (Confrérie de la Dague Noire 6) par JR Ward

Bonsoir à tous.

                        Etant souffrante, je me suis faite un peu plus rare sur le net ces derniers jours et la situation évoluera en même temps que ma santé donc croisons les doigts pour que l'amélioration arrive vite.  En attendant je suis quand même parvenue à lire un peu en français pour être moins fatiguant et en prenant un livre qui m'intéressait moyennement pour que je puisse arrêter dès que c'était nécessaire ( et cela l'a été très souvent).

Toutefois j'ai été globalement assez agréablement surprise par ce tome 6 de la Confrérie de la dague noire, en effet le suspense a été bien maintenu et contre toute attente.. des anges/ anges déchus font leur apparition surprenant oui mais aussi très agréable pour moi puisque c'était le thème du challenge " romance paranormale" de ce mois -ci donc une très bonne opération pour moi

 Sur ce, je vous laisse avec mon avis sur L'amant Consacré et je retourne vite au lit pour récupérer plus vite.

 Bonne Lecture

Editeur VF: Milady  2011
Titre original:Lover Enshrined ( edited 2008)
Genre: romance paranormale, érotique, vampires, anges
Violence: élevée

Langage: moyen
sexe: élevé
Public: +18ans
Obtenu par achat

Quatrième de couverture de l'éditeur Milady:

Loyal à la Confrérie, Fhurie s est sacrifié pour le bien de l'espèce. En tant que Primâle des Élues, il est obligé d'engendrer les fils et les filles qui garantiront la survie de leurs traditions. Cormia, sa première compagne, ne veut pas seulement conquérir son corps, mais aussi son coeur. Mais Fhurie ne s' est jamais autorisé à connaître le plaisir ou la joie. 

Alors que la guerre contre la Société des éradiqueurs se fait plus effroyable, et que la tragédie pèse sur la demeure de la Confrérie, Fhurie doit choisir entre le devoir et l'amour.

          Pour une fois, Jr Ward est parvenue me maintenir captivée bien que  cette série ne soit pas une de mes favorites. En effet à plusieurs reprises des éléments sont venu ranimé mon intérêt de sorte que j’ai vraiment plus apprécié ce volume en comparaison avec le précédent.

Ce tome se concentre sur Fhurie et il est évident qu’il a bien plus de problèmes psychologiques que certains autres guerriers, bien que tous soient en souffrance comme l’aime la vierge scribe pour une raison que j’ignore encore. Après avoir plus la place de primâle, il se retrouve coincé car une partie de lui est encore effrayée par la responsabilité que cela inclus mais également parce qu’il s’attache à Cormia et ne souhaite pas qu’elle soit obligée de s’unir à lui. Cela va l’amener à bien des  hésitations, dérives et erreurs mais il en plus soutenu qu’il ne pense et finit par agir justement car ce titre lui confère le pouvoir de changer les choses si tel est son désir.

Cependant ce n’est pas là ce qui m’a le plus plut, bien que les description de chute aux enfers, sevrages, etc aient été bien décrites ce que j’ai le plus aimé c’est la manière dont JR Ward a su maintenir et gérer le suspense. Par exemple elle parle d’un mâle dépérissant, décrit ses journées et son état d’esprit mais ce n’est qu’après plusieurs passages lui étant destiné qu’elle confirme nos suppositions quant à son identité et encore de façon détournée. Jusqu’à la fin du récit où il retrouve sa place et son identité.
Mieux encore… dès el début du livre on apprends que l’oméga a fait un enfant et qu’il a caché ce dernier parmi les vampires pour qu’il y soit élevé et lui servent plus tard de taupe en somme.  Or pendant une large partie du roman, on ignore sui est ce fils  et JR Ward parvient à vous faire douter à plusieurs reprises avant de dévoiler exactement ce qui s’est passé et comment, et je dois avouer qu’à ce moment là j’ai été rassurée et aussi que cela m’a parut tellement évident que je ne comprenais pas comment j’avais pu ainsi négliger ma toute première idée lorsque j’avais lu l’existence de ce fils. (Comme quoi les premières idées sont souvent les bonnes.)

On se concentre également sur John et ses amis et j’avoue que je regrette que l’auteur ait éprouvé le besoin de mêler l’homosexualité à tout ça comme si des garçons ne pouvaient pas être amis, loyaux sans que cela ne cache quelque chose, n’implique des sentiments amoureux. Cela m’a parut vraiment dommage. Les jurons sont également beaucoup plus présents que précédemment  sans que cela n’apporte plus au récit loin de là.

En plus des frères, de John et ses ami. On en apprends également énormément sur Vhengeance sa nature, les conséquences de celle-ci ainsi que son passé. Et c’est vraiment surprenant.  Et je suis tentée d’en apprendre d’avantage surtout qu’il a désormais un rôle plus important encore (reste à voir comment ça se gèrera avec son identité réelle) il pourrait être un grand allié de Kohler.

Comme précédemment, je trouve que la glymera est vraiment stupide, superficielle et arrogante… ; maintenant je peux ajouter cruelle et cupide à la liste c’est à se demander pourquoi la confrérie risque la vie de ses membres pour ces ingrats. Enfin le reste de la population vampirique est peut-être meilleure…  mais ça reste à voir

 Enfin j’ai également été très surprise de découvrir des anges, anges déchus se joindre à l’histoire…cela tombe bien puisque c’était le thème du challenge paranormal de ce mois amis cela restait complètement inattendu.
J’avoue que je suis curieuse de lire la suite afin de voir si mon intérêt pour cette série va croître ou non

 Intéressant ajout à la série, beaucoup d’éléments surprenants mais encore et toujours d’autres qui ont tendance à me faire reléguer cette série sur ma liste des lectures non prioritaires.

Score: 3,5 /5

Disclaimer: Toutes les opinions exprimées ici sont les miennes, il s’agit de d’un avis honnête et personnel. Aucune compensation n’a été fournie en échange de ce dernier.



vendredi 22 février 2013

Midnight’s Master (Dark Warriors1) by Donna Grant

 i won't be long because i'm really unwell but i had this ready and i wanted to give you something before i go back curling under the covers...


Publisher: St. Martin's Paperbacks
Publication: 2012
ISBN:  0312552483
Genre: paranormal romance, fantasy, time travel
Violence: mild

Language: normal
sex: strong
Public: 18+
Source: bought

Short description from goodreads :

Gwynn Austin has no idea why her father has disappeared on a mysterious trip to Scotland. When she goes on a desperate mission to search for him she finds more than she bargains for in a ruggedly handsome, wickedly exciting Highlander who exudes danger and mystery. And when she discovers her own link to Scotland, she’ll have to trust her heart to help lead her...

Propelled through time by powerful Druid Magic, Logan Hamilton uses his immortality and powers of the god inside him to help prevent the awakening of an ancient evil in the modern world. He never expects to find help in the form of a beautiful, alluring, and all too tempting woman whose passion and strength matches his own. Together, Logan and Gywnn must fight for their love—before a demon from the past destroys them both…

My opinion:
          Highlanders have become something I really enjoy and want more of it so when I discovered this series mixing them with paranormal I was curious and I had to try it. Let say that Donna Grant didn’t disappointed me. I loved how warriors and druids were linked together and the idea of old deities is always fascinating for me, I’m curious about their history and such.

I loved reading this book and I enjoyed the story a lot but I must admit that I didn’t relate to the characters as much as in some others series. I liked them, I want to learn more about them but I wasn’t exactly at their side during my reading. There was a kind of distance, perhaps because of the history between Gwynn and her father, I don’t know why. Still like I said I really enjoyed the story, the plot and the setting so I’m fully planning to read more about those dark Warriors. It was a novelty in my quest to discover new kind of paranormal creatures.

Gwynn is an American and while she always dreamed to visit Scotland it was never in the circumstances and dangers she is confronted to. While looking for her father, with whom she never had a really deep relation to start with, she meet Logan who tells her that she is a druid.  Gwynn remember her grandmother stories and the special abilities she has as a child but because she was considered strange and since her mother didn’t like that she ignored her magic and nearly forgot it until this day.   Now she has a destiny to accomplish and a warrior at her side but also strong enemies who know more than her.

Logan awakens in 2012 after having been sent forward in time from the seventeenth century in hope to fight a strong evil and to save one of his fellow warriors, Ian. However, he is rapidly drawn to a small city where he meets a woman who he instantly identifies as a druid despite her doubts.  As he vowed to protect the druids, he set his mind on protecting Gwynn while she searches for her father. After he told her the truth of his origin, he will have to adjust to our time with her help in the same way he helps her discovering her heritage, her magic. However, the enemy he came to fight is still strong and worse she isn’t alone anymore. And Gwynn magic could not be enough, so he will have to uses the power gives by the god in him despites his guilt and remorse.

I loved how they both had to learn from each other, it wasn’t  one who had a knowledge no each of them has the knowledge the other need so it created a links between them. The others warriors are really interesting to and I was concerned for Ian a lot. I learned of the druids and warrior at the same time as Gwynn but I would like more of the Macleods brothers and of the warriors without forgetting their wife, the druids.

It’s a book really enjoyable and I took pleasure in it even if it could have been even better. If you are looking for a new paranormal series different from vampire and traditional shifters, if you love highlanders it’s a good book to try.

Score:  4/5

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own and no compensation was received in exchange for this review



lundi 18 février 2013

The Athena Effect (The Athena Effect 1) by Derrolyn Anderson

Hello to all,

                 Before i go back to bed since i seem only to get worse at the moment ( nothing to worry about , but a dotor's appointment is scheduled since i can't fight this virus alone), i wanted to share another book with you. ... i try to be really careful and professional with the books i receive for request... it's the reason why i try to be in perfect conditions when i'm reading them ( so that my opinion isn't  influenced because i'm sick, dead tired or depressed etc), i try also not to be too long.

I received this book last year and i was really happy to have been contacted to review it... i put it on top of my pile ready to jump on it...when life got it the way... during december and january all the family got sick and not all together so i was really busy tending to everyone before i caught something too. ..those kind of strong virus that takes weeks ( 7!!!) to be defeated... Finally this month i got a window...a few days when i was feeling well, happy and i jumped on The Athena Effect and some other books i couldn't resist any longer..; i'm happy i did since i 'm back to being sick already and this book really deserved to be read in good conditions

Anyway  i didn't want to make you wait so here is my opinion of the Athena Effect by Derrolyn Anderson.

Happy reading

Publisher: Derrolyn Anderson
Publication: 2012
ISBN:  9781476059273
Genre: YA, Fantasy, paranormal romance
Violence: mild

Language: normal
sex: mild
Public: 16+
Source: ecopy in exchange for an honest review

Short description from goodreads :

 Country girl Cali has been kept a secret her entire life, raised in isolation by two very troubled people. Despite her parent’s disturbing fits, Cal is perfectly content, living at one with the nature that surrounds her, and finding adventure inside the pages of her beloved books. When an awful tragedy tears her away from her remote cabin in the woods, nothing she’s ever read has prepared her for a world that she knows very little about.

Girls and motorcycles are what bad-boy Cal’s life is all about. Brought up in a raucous party house by his biker brother, he’s free to do as he pleases, going through the motions on his final days of high school. Aimless, Cal stopped thinking about his future a long time ago.

Attacked by a gang of thugs while running an errand for his brother, Cal is in serious trouble until a fierce girl appears out of nowhere to intervene. She chases off three grown men, sparing Cal a brutal beating before disappearing into the night like a spirit. He can’t stop thinking about his mysterious rescuer, and when she turns out to be the weird new girl at school who goes out of her way to avoid him, he can’t contain his curiosity.

He’s never met anyone like her before, and the more he learns about the unusual girl who shares his nickname, the more he wants to know. Cal can’t help falling for Cal, but can he keep her from falling victim to a dangerous enemy from her parent’s tragic past?

My opinion:
          I was really happy to receive a copy of this book for review because it caught my eyes on goodreads before so this opportunity to discover this series was fantastic and if I hadn’t be unwell I would have read and reviewed it before now. The great thing is that I wasn’t disappointed at all despites my high expectations of this book!

 The story starts with 2 teenagers on the run, they seems really scared and not healthy but deeply in love. Then we go forward 17 years, nearly 18 in the future and we discover they become the parents of a very special young girl called Cal as a diminutive for Caledonia. Cal is a little savage, she loves being is the wild surrounded by animals and nature however she is also educated, loving to read anything she comes by in a scheduled house. She knows she is special, that not every one has the same power as her being able to see the emotions of living creatures and to influence them. The fact that her parents are hiding didn’t escape her, but the nature of their nightmares eludes her. They protected her, taught her lots of things but also warned her to be cautious, that there were dangers lurking around without telling her which danger or to tell her how to avoid them though.
So when they die in a tragic accident, Cal is left alone without knowing how to act in the big city where she is sent to live with her aunt she never knew.  She has a vast knowledge literally but in practise she didn’t use electricity before so everything seems new.

Cal don’t like living with her aunt who didn’t really want to take her in even only for the few month until she turns eighteen, worse she always sticks to her boyfriend  whose intentions are a little too clear. To avoid troubles, Cal prefers to stay as little as possible at home when her aunt is working but that means spending the night out wandering.  When one night she sees a boy being bitten she jumps at his rescue without hesitation. Calvin thought the girl who saved him wasn’t real, used to having a different girl on his arm each day; he is playing the playboy to hide his pain and suffering. However, when he discovers that the new weir girl at school, avoiding everyone is the girl who came to his rescue he gets curious. Even more, she is the girl how managed to calm his brother‘s pit-bull. He starts to follow her, trying to get to know her but slowly feelings grow for this girl so different so intelligent, stronger that she looks and kind but also so innocent. He is drawn to her.
For Cali, Cal is a boy to avoid. She doesn’t like his attitude with girls however when he ask for her help, she can’t refuse; she even starts to confide in him what even her parents never knew.  In this new world she is facing, Cal becomes a friend and a support for her. He is kind and takes time to show her things, take her to the fair and museum, soon Cali accept her growing feelings.

Unfortunately for them, the past is coming back full force and what Cali’s parents feared has come. Someone discovered her existence and knowing Cali’s power and will do anything to get his hand on her. Cali is confronted to what she wasn’t prepared for; she learnt the reason for her parents’ crisis, the reason for her power but can’t fight alone. She finds allies she didn’t hope for and Cal is determined to protect her even if it means leaving for the unknown.

One thing that bothered me a little is the fact that Rufus didn’t react during the abducting, even if he was in a closed room or anything he should have barked madly when strangers entered and thus Cal would have been awaken, even more knowing how much he cares for her. Another detail bothered me, the fact that Cal and Cali  get involved a little too quickly to my taste, I mean he says he will wait etc and at the same time they jump on it the same night. Yes it’s wasn’t they first day together etc but it seemed to fast for me  with Cali Background., but the story as a whole stay really good of course^^

The plot is sometimes predictable but Derrolyn Anderson’s writing style is clear and fresh so once you start the story you don’t want to put it down even when you guess what could happen you just want to be sure and to read more. I enjoyed the parallelism between the prologue and the epilogue, like the life is a cycle the characters find themselves repeating some schema and I can only hope it will be for the better. It’s really enjoyable, it’s a very good YA fantasy book and I’m curious about the rest of the series because while there isn’t really a cliffhanger , the tension is still there and you want to know what will happen to the different protagonists.

To recommend!

Score:  4/5

Disclaimer: Source: a copy in exchange for an honest review, no other compensation was received. All opinions are my own.

 You can buy this book on  amazon or  in other formats on  smashwords


dimanche 17 février 2013

Embrace of the Damned (Brotherhood of the Damned1) by Anya Bast

Hello to all,

                   On Saint valentine day, i decided to read a book just for the pleasure even if it was one that wasn't fitting for a challenge i've entered just what i wanted....however just teh day before i've learned something that helped my choice or more precisely that decided it. On 13th february, the author Anya Bast announced on her blog that she is suffering a cancer and will start the medical procedure for.  I found her message really courageous and i was humbled by the fact that she was still thinking about informing us to be careful not just speaking about what was happening to her.

I follow her for quite sometimes and to me she is a really generous and kind person so i wanted to help without really knowing how. I had one of her book on my shelf and i decided it was time for me to read it so i could share it with you....of course if you buy her books it will help i guess but at the moment it's more positive thoughts, prayers and wishes, all kind of support she needs so if you have a little time... a little message on her blog here or just a thought or prayers send her way would be very kind.Thank you for her.

Now back to the book it self... it was really the perfect book for the day because it left me smiling and really satisfied ( perhaps a little to much even)... if you want a book with an HEA and some action.... viking action this is it.

Publisher: Berkley Sensation
Publication: 2012
ISBN:  0425247961
Genre: paranormal romance
Violence: strong

Language: normal
sex: strong
Public: 18+
Source: bought

Short description from goodreads :

 New York Times bestselling author Anya Bast introduces her newest paranormal romance, set in the world of Norse mythology…

A damned Viking warrior. Centuries ago Broder Calderson committed murder. As punishment, he was given over to the dominion of Loki, the Trickster God, made part of the Brotherhood of the Damned and condemned to an immortal life of battle against the Blight, blood-drinkers from Hel.

A mysterious woman he can’t resist. One thousand years to the day he was damned, Loki allows him a woman as reward for his good service and repentance of his crimes. Once Broder sees Jessamine Hamilton, he is overcome with need. But Jessa is no ordinary woman, and the truth of who—and what—she is could have dangerous consequences.

 A tormented man she can’t deny. Though a future together is impossible, the warrior’s touch ignites an irresistible passion in Jessa. But every heated kiss pushes them closer to destruction. Forced to return to the brutality of his Viking past to protect her, will Broder surrender forever to his darkest impulses?

My opinion:
          I took this book because of an excerpt I saw on Anya’s blog, I was drawn to it and I don’t regret it even if when I finished this book I had a strange thought but let’s start with the beginning.

I love Vikings and Norse mythology, it’s a great change in my reading and I took pleasure in it. Loki was exactly like I imagined him and he is so devious that you want to slap him, strangle him, etc.  The story starts when Broder is committing a massacre, we don’t know why he is fighting like a berserker but I got the feeling  there was a lot behind his action. They Loki enters and punishes him by cursing him. He will now be a fighter under Loki’s orders for the duration of his existence… eternally if he doesn’t find the demon that he is the source of the splinter Loki put in his soul.  Cruel, yes but in the Norse mythology things aren’t  soft like the life at that time still I was angry with Loki since the starts, how can he do that and then tell him  that if he is a good boy, do it’s job he will get the woman made for him…. But only for the time he, as a god, decide.  Grrr bad Loki!

At the present time, Broder is in a group of other Norwegians, cursed like him for a bloody crime, however the curse can have different specificities. The only common thing is the only way to break it, and then the rest is up to Loki’s mood when he curses you. In Broder case he can’t touch a woman except the one made for him (and only 1000 after the curse was given) So when he feels the woman made for him, the fighter starts to get feelings again like hope…even he suspects a trick from Loki.  And he was right, yes Jessamine is perfect for him but she is also a witch and Broder has a strong history with them so while he is deeply attracted, and tries to act with honor and not ravish her, he is also determined to keep his distance because he knows they can’t be forever together.
 I really loved to see his turmoil and how he wasn’t acting like a barbarians quite the opposite even.
Jessamine doesn’t know who she is anymore. After the death of her parents she was raised by her aunt… at least that was she thought, until she died suddenly. Then she discovered in her aunt house some pictures of her parents but older pictures with different name. That added to the fact that she is starting to get new strange abilities is starting to make her doubt what she was always told. So when she is attacked and saved in an underground parking she is only half surprised. Attracted to Broder but wanting answer more than anything she start a journey with him and enter a new world that didn’t suspect until after a kiss he announces her that she is a witch.
Jessa is strong minded, she knows what she wants and doesn’t hesitate to tell Broder what she thinks. However I didn’t like her at first because she was teasing him too much. She isn’t sure she is ready for a short relationship So he can give her pleasure yes but not take his own. Not fair even crueler when we know his history. She get better thought and I admire her, but still I resent her for their beginning^^;;.

What I really appreciate was the ending. We get answers and the heroine doesn’t need to change, be transformed etc for the relationship to have a chance.  No, Love really prevails and we get to see a goddess determined, moved and fair. Loki isn’t the only master that can decide everything anymore and what happen after really made me smile. That being said, I also told you that when I was closing the book something came to my mind… I don’t feel like I want to read the next book, or at least not soon.  It’s really strange because I really loved the book, perhaps it’s because the ending is so perfect that I don’t want something to alter that, that I was to savour it longer not sure but being honest I had to say it (now perhaps when I will read the next summary I will be anxiously waiting to read book 2 but so far book 1 is a wonderful stand alone too)

If you want a book with a wonderful happy ending, where love conquers all etc, a touch of mythology and lot of action this is an excellent book for you.

Score:  3,5/5

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own and no compensation was received in exchange for this review


vendredi 15 février 2013

City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments1) by Cassandra Clare

Hello to all,

         I'm glad i did a lot of reading this week ( relatively speaking of course)  because i'm starting to be sick again ( not a good start for 2013 but the rest will get better) and the headache is back full force. At least i had lot of pleasure before i take a little rest ^^.  There are some series that everyone seems to have read but not you. I lost count of how many time i 've read Mortal Instruments somewhere but for some reason i couldn't decide myself to try them even when i had the books on my shelves.

Why?  I'm not sure at all, perhaps it was simply not the moment because now i did read it and quickly even (if you know me you know that when i like a book i read it more quickly than those i don't like^^), perhaps i decided to read them before the release of the film so i could know what it was about  like the rest of the world? What it's sure it's that a friend really helped my decision and i don't regret it because it was also perfect for a challenge i've entered.

So here is my opinion of City of Bones first book of the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare

Publisher: Walker Books Ltd
Publication: 2007
ISBN:  1406307629
Genre: YA, fantasy, Paranormal, adventure,urban fantasy, romance
Violence: strong

Language: normal
sex: none
Public: 16+
Source: bought

Short description from goodreads :

 When fifteen-year-old Clary Fray heads out to the Pandemonium Club in New York City, she hardly expects to witness a murder—much less a murder committed by three teenagers covered with strange tattoos and brandishing bizarre weapons. Then the body disappears into thin air. It’s hard to call the police when the murderers are invisible to everyone else and when there is nothing—not even a smear of blood—to show that a boy has died. Or was he a boy?

This is Clary’s first meeting with the Shadowhunters, warriors dedicated to ridding the earth of demons. It’s also her first encounter with Jace, a Shadowhunter who looks a little like an angel and acts a lot like a jerk. Within twenty-four hours Clary is pulled into Jace’s world with a vengeance, when her mother disappears and Clary herself is attacked by a demon. But why would demons be interested in ordinary mundanes like Clary and her mother? And how did Clary suddenly get the Sight? The Shadowhunters would like to know. . . .

Exotic and gritty, exhilarating and utterly gripping, Cassandra Clare’s ferociously entertaining fantasy takes readers on a wild ride that they will never want to end.

My opinion:
          I heard a lot of things about this series but I was a little hesitant, reason why I must be one of the last to discover it but better late than never!

Now, this book isn’t completely original or unpredictable, some typical storylines are used in it but some part felt really new to me. I liked the idea of the marks that gave power but were also dangerous, I also really enjoyed the twists that came several time renewed the interest I had in the story. I spend a really good time with this book and I hope the rest of the series will only get better. I want to discover more about the shadowshunters, whose i don’t like that much by the way, there are a little too narrow minded to my taste and prone to treachery. I really enjoyed Luke, who is suffering more than it seems caught between two worlds and who must take actions with dire consequences. From what I’ve read of the different groups so far, I think it was always more wolf than nephilim, loyalty and force were important for him since the start.

 I loved to see several creatures in the story and not just vampires, though I kind of like this new kind of bikers vampires, and werewolves. Those are the most cited, with the nephilim, aka shadowhunters, and the demons, but we got a glimpse of several fairies and others that I would like to read more of.
The plot is interesting, to see how a group by fear of extinction become more racist than ever and start taking drastic measures is a little reminder of historical events transposed in a universes of fantasy and mystical creatures. Perhaps it will serve to open the eyes of some readers but it’s also something simply enjoyable to read, even if myself I can’t stop to see the parallelism between fiction and history.  I wasn’t completely taken by surprise by some revelations while others did surprise me.

I spend really a good time reading this and I appreciated the books being divided in distinctive parts because it will help if you need to take a break but that being said… once started I didn’t want to put it down so I didn’t put the division to use but it’s something I noted and loved. I’m really curious as how things will evolve but Valentine is a villain that I really dislike and I hope Jace and Clary will manage to create what they need, now Simon must be relieved too and he is moving character too.

I recommend this book if you want some YA fantasy and love paranormal.

Score:  4/5

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own and no compensation was received in exchange for this review


dimanche 10 février 2013

Under Attack (Underworld Detection Agency 2) by Hannah Jayne

Hello to all,

                  In my country, the season of Carnivals has started ( and will last several months^^;), the participants were lucky today because even it's was really freezing  the sun was shining ( big difference from a few days ago  with  several centimeters of snow). My city won't have it's carnival before one month , as often it will coincide or nearly with my birthday.

Why did i tell you about carnival? Simply because this series always amazes me with his large variety of paranormal creatures in a way quite similar with the parade of our Carnivals so you can always find  one that fit your tastes^^( in my case this month it was angels and fallen angels).

So while i hope you are all safe and warm, here is my opinion on Under attack by Hannah Jayne


Publisher: Kensington
Publication: 2011
ISBN:  0758258933
Genre: urban fantasy, romance, paranormal romance
Violence: strong

Language: normal
sex: mild
Public: 18+
Source: bought

Short description from goodreads :

 Sophie Lawson is a human immune to magic, which comes in handy for helping paranormal beings transition into everyday life. But fallen angel Alex Grace and his search for the Vessel of Souls is one curse she never saw coming. Suddenly an unexplainable string of killings and destruction has even San Francisco's demons fearing for their immortal lives. And Sophie isn't about to trust Alex's all-too-vulnerable charm or his secret agenda. Now their hunt is revealing dangerous secrets about Sophie's past, and malevolent power hellishly close to turning one irreverent human into the ultimate supernatural weapon.

My opinion:

         “Under Attack” takes back one year after the events of “Under Wraps”, Sophie hasn’t recovered perfectly from her ordeal, Alex, the fallen angel has left her 6 months ago, and the UDA – underworld detection agency- is still trying to find a replacement for Sophie’s boss and until this day it doesn’t look good leaving Sophie trying to save things, fix mistakes so the agency keeps an appearances of normalcy – underworld normalcy that’s it.

One thing that I love with this series, it’s the variety of paranormal creatures, dragon, goblins, centaurs, angel, fallen angel, werewolves, vampires..; there is a fantastic mix so you have to find one that stick your fancy. Of course not of them are put under the lights but they exists and we can always hope to learn more about them. This book focuses on Sophie and on the angels and fallen angels since Alex return to ask for her help in his mission to recover and protect the vessels of souls. We learned a bit about this in book one so I really recommend to read this series in order even if this book would work well as a stand alone too because Hannah Jayne give us a little background of what happened previously so the reader isn’t lost.

Sophie has a lot of things on her plate in this books, family troubles, job’s trouble, and as always she is trying to survive several assassination attempts. I was surprised to see her best friend, the vampire called Nina, not to take her seriously most of the time. She seemed to be not herself and that’s intrigue me. Sophie is still determined and in fact this book show us how determined she can be for the things in which she believes. To see her grand mother as a spectre with a life of her own was quite funny too and it eased the tension.  Thanks to the return of Alex and his ex and enemy Ophelia, we are learning more about the powers and history of the fallen angels and that’s something I needed to discover like Sophie.  Now the mystery isn’t resolved, we get some info on Sophie’s father but that’s still a little unsure and Alex must make some choice. So the rest of the series could be very , very interesting.

This book is better that the first one but I still thing the author could do better. I wasn’t completely drawn in the story and I didn’t managed to read it in once, I took break, came back etc. the story was really interesting even if some parts were predictable since the beginning of the book Hannah managed to add some twists to keep the interest but I want something more without being able to point what out.

If you want something a little different in your Urban fantasy reads, this is a series you could give it a try.

Score:  3,5/5

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own and no compensation was received in exchange for this review


dimanche 3 février 2013

Omega ( Penton Legacy 3) by Susannah Sandlin [ english Review]

Hello to all!!

 Today is really a good day! First only one day left before the release of Omega, third book of the Penton Legacy trilogy  which i already told you i really love. You can see my review of the precedent books if you haven't already  Redemption ( book1) and Absolution ( book2)

But even better we have just learned that while it's the last book of the initial trilogy the probabilities are high that it won't be the end of the series! Sussanah Sandlin has announced that she was thinking of writing something ( what we will need to wait a little more to know) to close the loose ends still existing after Omega.  I can't tell you how happy i'm because as you will see that's what i pointed in my reviews, written a few days ago, as elements that bugged me a little after this fabulous reads So yes! Susannah is even better in my opinion that she was a few days ago.

To be kept updated and to discover even more good news i encourage you to visit her blog and to follow the omega blog tour, you could even win big!

 Now without waiting, here is my opinion on Omega! Enjoy!

Publisher:  Montlake Romance
Publication: 2013
ISBN:  161218359X
Genre: paranormal romance, vampires
Violence: strong

Language: normal
sex: strong
Public: 18+
Source: e-arc received in exchange for an honest review

Short description from goodreads :

 The bloody war between the Vampire Tribunal and the defiant scathe of Penton, Alabama, rages on, forcing its residents and their bonded humans to retreat into the underground fortress of last resort: Omega. There, Will Ludlam is charged with the care of Penton’s humans, though he longs to fight alongside his vampire brethren. He knows the risks: as the renegade son of the Tribunal’s vicious leader, Will’s capture could doom the resistance. Yet he is determined to prove his worth to his adopted scathe, to his vengeful father—and to former US Army officer Randa Thomas, his beautiful, reluctant partner. Randa has little faith that a former member of the vampire elite has what it takes to fight a war. But as their enemies descend upon Omega, Will’s polished charm—and Randa’s guarded heart—finally give way to the warrior within. Fans of Susannah Sandlin’s Penton Legacy are sure to devour this long-awaited third installment of the steamy paranormal series.

My opinion:
          I’ve waited so long for this book that I was anxious to start it in good condition. The last book of a series is always special… we want to have a conclusion and in the same time we don’t want to leave characters we have come to enjoy a lot. It can either make of a good series a wonder, either crash all the authors’ efforts put in it. Omega is keeping his promises really well and gives us a wonderful insight on Will’s personality.

 Before in Redemption Will was the one who kept the ambience light, making fun, laughing, playing video game but still a real member of Penton Scathe. Later in Absolution, we got to see how he was also the strategist and the mind of Penton, always thinking ahead and supporting Aidan more ways than that was under the light; and a good fighter when needed.
Omega shows us Will in all his complexity with the explanations from his past – though I would have loved to have more details how he met Aidan- and glimpses of his future opportunities. Will is full of potential like the readers could have guessed from the precedent instalments of the story but there is so much more he is unaware of. Under his cool boy façade is a young man who lacks confidence in himself, who fights to prove his worth and thinks that for that he must keep his weaknesses hidden. He is underestimating himself as a result of years of insults and recriminations, to cover how deeply he is hurt emotionally he hides under his façade.
Randa is a new lieutenant of Aidan and the most recently transformed, coming from a military family where she was the only girl surrounded by brothers she has learned to be though and that hasn’t changed when she became, against her will, a vampire. But it’s mostly a mask too to keep people at distance. At first, she judges Will only on his looks and doesn’t give him a chance but circumstances will force them to open to each other and she will be really surprised as well as be surprising.
Aidan did pick his lieutenants really well^^; .

I was also really happy to see Hannah learning more about her powers and staying a child, I think she found a great playmate in Barnabas ^^; and perhaps a new father ‘s figures but that’s to be seen if we get more books. Mirren and Glory as well as Aidan and Krys are still perfectly in character and it’s a pleasure to keep this stability along the story. Now we also get new characters like Cage and Edward…. Cage is a former psychiatrist and it’s needed in omega as well as a bonus to form strategy. He is Edward’s emissary and loyal to Aidan.  He is a great addition and I loved to see how he loved and was loyal to Penton first, yes he plan to try to export the idea but the city counts a lot for him. I liked how he was responsible enough to give Mark a chance even if he was really interested (though as a psychiatrist he should think about the saviour syndrome and takes a step back to analyse what part of his feeling are real and which one is due to the circumstances) To be honest that part of the things that bothered me a little, but mostly because of his profession, and I was terrified to have guessed what Matthias did… I don’t want to uncover anything to let you the pleasure to find out but the fact I understood so well his mind as to guess his next move *brrr * terrifying Susannah made it possible by describing him so well in the precedents books and by the description of the final scene in Absolution but still ^^;; I was surprised to right on my assumption. (Perhaps I’m watching Criminals minds a little too much too^^;;)

Omega is really well written with the focus put on the characters’ psychology thanks to Cage input but not only. Secrets are revealed and we can see a side we don’t often get to see from the heads of Penton. I’m glad they were alone. It’s really perfect, since it’s true: living in Omega and under pressure must have an impact on everyone vampire or not. The intrigues thicken, allegiances are revealed, alliances are created and new perspectives are opened. Not a minute to get bored!
 The action is strong and fast paced, with some moment to take our breath and reflect on what we are learning and the romance is  burning  after hesitations, and so many risks the sparks left place to a real inferno^^;; who would have guessed the seductive power of the military undergarments.

Really it’s a good book, if I don’t give it a 5/5 it’s  only because personally I didn’t bonded well with  Cage’s attraction (only a little) but more because of the ending. Susannah did it well in the sense that the main plot and secondary one have found their conclusion, nothing is amiss but in the same time she let the door open so future books to be added to this universe so we could be happy if it’s the case and not feeling like we are missing something if the publisher don’t contract for more. However, with my personality I would have loved to see more of what happen next, would Mirren take his ex job back only a last time just for pleasure? Since there was some corruption is there no risk at all with the situation?

I would recommend this book without a doubt for those above 18, it’s really a wonderful paranormal romance one you will enjoy more if you read the books in order. Still, I think it’s better if I inform you that there are mentions of rape, child abuse and some torture.

Score:  4,5/5

Disclaimer: Source: a copy in exchange for an honest review, no other compensation was received. All opinions are my own.

 To have more info about the tour ( it last until february 28th) or the series check Susannah's Blog

Don't hesitate to pre order / order Omega !  You can buy it on  amazon or on  Bookdepository


What do you think of open ending? Do you like them or do you prefer the see all looses end fixed?