jeudi 8 janvier 2015

Challenges for 2015

Hello to all,

I wanted to post this earlier this week but some events happened and... i did not feel like it anymore...for those who don't watch the News.. a  French Newspaper was attacked yesterday.. people died...good people...innocent people... France is really not far from here but more than the proximity is the act that schocked me a lot.  Charlie Hebdo was a satirical newspaper...they did not hesitate to speak and draw about everything to open the discussion.. however deep down it was never evil or done to hurt anyone. It was a symbol of the freedom of Speech...and some want to destroy that.
As blogger or even simple reader we can't be unaffected... because it's our freedom which is at risk too....there are books we don't like, even books we hate but as long as it done  without hate we can share our opinion on it, we can say " i did not like it" some will agree some won't it does not matter.. there is no right or wrong in that it's simply a opinion, a personnal opinion we share. People fought to give us that right now we must fight with our words and drawing to keep it.
I'm not blaming a community, a country or a religion i don't want that act to result in more violence on any side...i just want us to be able to say "never again", to say that we won't forget their courage and that we won't give up our freedom because of threats or fear.
I am Charlie

Bonsoir à tous,

Je pensais poster mes plans et objectifs pour 2015 plutôt cette semaine mais l'actualité m'en a momentanément coupé l'envie. Pour ceux qui l'ignorerai encore, un journal français a été attaqué et des personnes sont décédées, des gens biens, des innocents... Certes Charlie Hebdo était un journal satirique irrévérencieux mais jamais méchant, ils n'hésitaient pas à parler de tout et à dessiner sur tous les sujets afin de provoquer le débat et cela sans avoir pour but de blesser quiconque. C'était et cela reste un symbole de la liberté d'expression que certains veulent détruire.
En tant que blogger ou même simple lecteur,  on ne peut pas rester indifférent parceque c'est également notre liberté qui est menacée.. ; il y a des livres qui nous déçoivent, qu'on aiment pas ou qu'on détestent franchement cependant tant qu'on le fait sans haine, on est libre de partager notre avis dessus, on peut dire " je n'aime pas" certains partageront cette opinion, d'autres non... il n'y a pas un camp qui a raison et un qui a tort dans ce cas ce sont simplement des opinions personnelles partagées. Des gens ont combattus pour nous garantir ce droit, cette liberté et maintenant c'est à nous de combattre avec nos mots et nos dessins pour la garder.

Je ne blâme pas une communauté, un pays or une religion, je ne veux pas que cet acte aboutisse à encore plus de violence.. je veux juste qu'on puisse dire " plus jamais ça", qu'on oublie pas leur courage, qu'on puisse dire qu'on n'abandonnera pas notre liberté à cause de la peur et des menaces...

Je suis Charlie

And because i don't want to give up and for them i will try to stay up with my schedule and let you know what challenge i plan to undertake in 2015!

I did complete my 2014 challenge but some organisation disappointed me and i stopped to enter the links to the respective linky...2015 will be better^^ and i'm trying some new!

Voici les challenges auxquels j'ai décidés de participer en 2015 en espérant que ce sera une meilleure année que 2014 ( même si j'ai atteints mes objectifs!)

 To start the new ones:

Anna from Herding Cats and Burning soup is hosting the  New To you Reading Challenge.

That one is simple, you just have to read something that qualify a new to you in 2015 ( new series, new authors etc) as long as you read it in 2015 and that's something new for you it qualifies.
However to stay reasonnable i will aim for level 1: 6 " new" to you books.

If you are interested you can join us here

next i also decided to be courageous and this time i'm joining  The Official 2015 TBR Pile Reading Challenge" hosted by  Roof Beam Reader.

For this challenge, we must read 12 books we have in our TBR pile for more than a year so it must be a book released in 2013 or earlier and to avoid any problem, the participants must create their lists before hands... so we have to stick with it ( i guess creating this list will be the hardest part of it for me).
Those who complete the challenge can  enter win 50dollars on the bookdepository and it should be some smaller giveaways along the way
 i will post my list on the special challenge page to keep track of it soon.

you can join us until the 15 January,  to sign up and see all the rules it's here

Lastly, for now at least,

 i'm trying again the 2015 TBR reading Pile Challenge hosted by Evie from bookish..since the last 2 editions really disapppointed it will be probably the last time i try it but i'm giving it another chance as Evie really had a lot in her life in 2014 and doing something so big alone it's not easy.

For this one the rule is to read book from 2014 and earlier that are waiting in your TBR for quite some time already.
 i plan to read at least 10 books so the level 1 : 1-10 A Firm Handshake ( i will see if i move up the level like the past year later)

 the advantage here is that you don't have to show a premade list of what you plan to read so you can let your mood pick what you want in the TBR pile as long as it fit the rules.

For the schedule, the rules and signing up it's HERE

9 commentaires:

  1. It's always so shocking and heartbreaking when things like this happen. I just don't understand people some days. Would be nice if people could just let everyone else be.

    1. at least the book blogger community is a good exampel of solidarity, generosity and kindness

  2. Some days I wonder what the world has come to ... the tragic events have been (and still are) on the news here and despite France being a bit further away than Belgium this rattles me, because I always felt that Europe was generally a safe region compared to many other parts of the world.
    To all those fanatics/extremists out there - we will not stay quiet, because the pen is mightier than the sword!!!
    Ich bin Charlie!

  3. I'm sorry to hear about that attack in France. How horrible! I saw an 'I am Charlie' graphic on another blogger's sidebar earlier today, and it didn't click what it was about. On a more positive note... Good luck with your challenge goals!

    Carmel @ Rabid Reads

  4. Hello I'm
    Ruty from @Reading...Dreaming and you send me a Xmas card which arrived probably around New Year but will the holidays and all I always forget to write you.
    I loved the stickers, my niece tried to stole them for me x)
    I really like your blog and I love that you write in both languages.
    And about todays' post. The attack affected us all aroudn the world and from here we send all our support.
    Now, thank you again and good luck with all your challenges

    1. hi Ruty,

      if your niece want some i could always try to send you some more to make her happy. ;)
      thank you for coming to see me here and commenting!

      i hope you have a great 2015 year
