dimanche 2 mars 2014

March 2014 Take Control of your TBR Pile: goals and updates


       Oki a new challenge, like i said before this one is lasting one month only and it's also my birthday month so i'm not sure how much time i will have to participate but i definitively want to try. If you want more info check Caffeinated book Reviewer post here

I won't start with  huge goals because i prefer to keep time in case something happens...i want to read at least 4 books for this challenge so one per week, if i can do more that's great but it's the minimum i must do as for which one i really can't decide a definitive list so i will post a potential one and adapt it along the way

Goals: read 4books minimum
1 of those must be in french

Books list:
Raven Cursed by Faith Hunter
Dirty Magic by Jaye Wells
Divines Vices ( review pile)
Charley davidson book 3
Nalini Singh guild hunter1
Storm Warrior by Dani Hunter
The goblin King by Shona Husk

book in french:
Minuit 9
clan des nocturnes tome 2
PsiChangeling 4, 5

This list is only one of possibilities and i'm sure i will change several of them and such because this month i want to read by pleasure so i will see what i decide to read or what i want to move up in the pile


 Books read:
Raven Cursed by Faith Hunter
Clan des nocturnes 2: Gideon par Jacquelyn Frank
The goblin King by Shona Husk
Storm Warrior by Dani Harper
Bloodstone by Nancy holzner
Dirty Magic
PsiChangeling 4 par Nalini Singh
Angel's blood by Nalini Singh

Books reviewed:

Are you participating? Don't hesitate to share your goal or link to your post in the comments so we can encourage each others.
You can see the rules and sign up here

 good luck and Happy March to all

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